Chapter 7 - Trick Riding

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October 8, 2023

About a week had passed since Talulah and Feather bonded, and the two have worked on trusting those around them. While Talulah is getting more vocal and relaxed hanging out with her friends, Feather still made his displeasure clear with the rest of the unicorns. Leaf kept making an effort to reconnect with her brother, but Feather used every opportunity she threw at him to snap at and ignore her. Eventually the other unicorns were frustrated with his disrespect towards Leaf, and even Cinder was getting annoyed with Feather for his behavior. But when their kids showed up, they pretended they were getting along. Today, the riders were all at breakfast, ready to start the day and ride to their hearts' content. Talulah grabbed a serving of french toast from the endless line of food and sat next to Rory, who slung an arm around her as she took a sip of her water.

Talulah - "Good morning, guys!"

Ava - "Good morning!"

Isabel - "Sup, Dudette!"

Rory - "Morning, Lulah! How'd you sleep?"

Talulah - "I slept fine. What about—"

Valentina - "Talulah! There you are!"

Talulah flinched as Valentina pulled her from her chair and gave her a hug, as the only person she'd been comfortable having physical affection with is Rory. Politely pulling away from the hug, Talulah ignored how her friends gave Valentina dirty looks while she explained her plans for the day. Valentina's friends from Ruby Dorm, Jacinta and Delia, stood behind her and were mixed between their confident personas as well as acting like fangirls at Talulah's presence. Having already interacted with, Talulah knew what the girls were thinking and gripped the end of her dress from the rising nerves. Not all of Talulah's friends were bad or crazy, and most of them left her feeling happy that they noticed her. But she's had enough interactions with the public to know when her boundaries are about to be imposed on.

Valentina - "And then I was thinking we could go to Starglow Lake for lunch, and we could have a—wait for it—a Princess Picnic! Ooh, and after that, we can—"

Talulah - "Heh, yeah, that sounds...great, Valentina. But could we maybe take a rain check on the picnic? I've got...studies I need to start on. You know, since I'm just starting out—"

Valentina - "Nonsense! As a princess of Eqeoneian, and being the best friend of the highest status in Unicorn Academy, we can have all the time in the world to study! Besides, Jacinta and Delia have been dying to meet you!"

Delia - "I'm Delia, your highness! And it is so great to see you in person!"

Jacinta - "I can't believe we're becoming friends with the Princess Talulah!"

Delia - "Ooh, everyone is gonna be so jealous!"

Isabel - "Seriously?"

Talulah - "Yeah, it's great you too. So, um, we're going to be late to class if we just stand here. I'll meet you girls at the picnic, I guess?"

Sophia - "Talulah, you don't—"

Jacinta, Delia - "YIPPEE!"

Valentina - "Excellent! I knew I could count on you, Bestie! Girls, the princess and I will escort you to our glorious luncheon just as the bell rings for the end of second period!"

Talulah - "We will? But what about—"

Jacinta - "Ooh, I can't wait!"

Rory - "Could you stop cutting—"

Delia - "We'll see you soon, Princess Talulah!"

Talulah - "...Yeah, I'll see you soon."

As Valentina and her friends walked away while discussing their plans for the picnic, Talulah sat down in her seat and wrapped her arms around her chest as she silently practiced her breathing pattern. Everyone could immediately see she was getting in her head, and Rory tapped her shoulder before he went in for a hug. The group tried to assure her that she didn't have to go to the picnic, but Talulah was firm on not backing out, despite her own insecurities about the whole ordeal.

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