Chapter 9 - Sapphire Struggles

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October 13, 2023

By now, although Talulah was still uncomfortable with the way everyone grasped for her attention, she still stuck next to her friends and enjoyed riding and occasionally flying with Feather. During the day, Talulah spent her time riding and having fun with her friends, then the night was filled with jokes and snack raids. And today was supposed to be no different...except for one tiny little issue...Some of the students that'd been pranked by Rory had decided it was time to...get him back.

Valentina - "Why is there a fluffhopper in Talulah's room?!"

Student - "Hey, we only put him in the Dorm! We didn't tell him what room to go in!"

Student - "He was supposed to go into Rory's room!"

Rory - "I'm right here, you know! But I gotta say, this was an epic prank."

Talulah, Sophia - "Rory!"

Rory - "What?!"

By now, Talulah had gotten a hold of the fluffhopper by bribing him with skyberries, and walked out with the now calm creature in her arms. Talulah glares at the Gold Dorm kids, with the one on the left looking away with what she wants to believe is guilt. The fluffhopper starts fussing around, so Talulah cradles him completely unaware of the only decent culprit looking at her curiously. Rory glares at him as he stands next to Talulah and carefully wraps an arm around her before looking back at his sister's room.

Rory - "Well, what do we do now? Talulah's room is a wreck, there's no way she'll be able to sleep in that!"

Student - "Didn't think of that, did you, guys? We're sorry about that, Talulah."

Talulah - "Well, there's nothing I can do about it right now. I'll just grab a blanket and sleep on the couch for a few nights—"

Valentina - "What?! There is no way you're sleeping on the couch! You can sleep in my room!"

Ms. Primrose - "Actually, I think we can use this as a unique opportunity!"

Students - "Aah!"

Ms. Primrose waits next to the door before getting their attention, accidentally scaring the feathers out of all of them. The students behind the fluffhopper prank look away from her unamused expression, while Ms. Primrose looks at the chaos of Talulah's room. Valentina is just a few seconds away from loosing her temper on the culprits, when Ms. Primrose turns her attention back to the kids.

Valentina - "Let me just say that you're lucky Talulah isn't angry with you about this, because I swear—"

Me. Primrose - "Don't worry, Valentina. I believe I have an idea for not just Talulah, but all of you. As for the students who caused all of this, I'd like to see you in my office."

Isabel - "...Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Talulah - "You're not the only one..."

Ms. Primrose - "All of you seem to work well with the people that you live with, but I think it'd be interesting to see our you work with a new dorm mate! Temporarily, of course."

Students - "...What?!"

Sophia - "You mean we're switching roommates?!"

Layla - "For how long?!"

Ms. Primrose - "I was thinking maybe a week or two—"

Valentina - "A week?!"

Ms. Primrose - "Well, it all depends on how long it takes to get Talulah's room back into shape."

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