Corporate Security - Enhanced Interrogation Techniques - 1

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A document prepared by DCS for relevant DCS, DOJ, and DOD personnel:

Corporate has tasked us, DCS, with preparing you for any potentially difficult information extraction tasks, especially involving dragons. 

The purpose of this document is to enable you to "break" any detainee. 

Detainees who are already "broken" in a way that reduces the success rate of interrogation may need to be "rebuilt" before you "break" them again. 

These tactics are known collectively as enhanced interrogation techniques, a name we will be borrowing from the US government. 

You may begin once you have clearance from your manager, supervisor, etc. It is important not to conduct these techniques on the wrong people, especially if they are REA clients or under some other significant entity's protection. 

Another important thing to consider is that, for legal reasons, only subsidiary personnel should conduct these techniques. Corporate much prefers having a limitation of liability between itself and any mistakes you might make. 

The first step you must take is to demoralize your detainees. 

For DOJ convicts, this step should already be partially complete. DOJ's penal colonies and other institutions are designed to fill prisoners with a sense of dread and obedience. The only way to live somewhat comfortably as a DOJ prisoner is to follow every order from and report everything suspicious to the administration. Prisoner loyalty is constantly tested, creating a sufficient level of fear to ensure security. 

As you may be aware, prisoners are told to discuss a fake escape, riot, etc. plan with other prisoners. If those other prisoners do not report this plan, they are called down to security, where they are offered to discuss another plan with yet more prisoners as an alternative to punishment...and repeat. This ensures that all actual plans created by prisoners are reported, since the prisoners just think the real plans are just more administration tests. 

Those dragon prisoners who feel superior to humans are especially affected due to them having no choice but to do what is often manual labor for a company that is majority owned by a human and under the supervision of a partially human security force for what may be the rest of their lives. The demonstrations of our weapons--the weapons many of the guards possess--help too. We hear flamethrowers are particularly effective on IceWings physically and on the fire breathing dragons mentally, due to them no longer having their "monopoly" on it. 

Moving on to the actual enhanced interrogation techniques, you have some freedom to experiment. These are simply some techniques to base your own on. As a safety precaution, please make sure the dragon cannot reach you physically or with any breath attack. Restraints are likely necessary. 

Dragons have a sensitive spot at the tip of their tails that can be exploited either mechanically, thermally, or, as we prefer, electrically. This area is far enough from their hearts that stray current is unlikely to kill them, but the electrocution is still extremely painful. Apply salty or soapy water to increase the conductivity of scales. A multi-tap transformer can be used to achieve multiple voltages for different pain levels. 

Waterboarding is another of our favorites. The setup, for obvious reasons, will be different for dragons than it is for humans. The important thing is that water is allowed to fill detainees' airways but not reach their lungs. This gives the sensation of drowning and is the reason it can even be effective on SeaWings; no air can reach their lungs, and no water can reach their gills. 

Food and water depravation are also effective on dragons, to varying extents. It takes much longer for both to have noticeable effects on SandWings, so these are not recommended for anything but long term use on them. Starvation is especially effective on MudWings, and dehydration is especially effective on SeaWings. Don't drive detainees to complete insanity or they won't give you the information you are looking for. 

Sleep depravation is also effective. Just keep them awake by any means you deem necessary, preferably in a solitary cell. One way is, again, electrically. 

 Solitary confinement, while less an enhanced interrogation technique and more a DOJ punishment, is still effective, especially when combined with other techniques. Suffering along is much more impactful than experiencing it with someone. If possible, don't let your detainees interact with or even see one another. The only contact the detainee should have with someone else is during interrogation.

Some additional tips and "fun" facts that may help:

1. Dragons have strong muscles for biting down but not for opening their mouths. 

2. SkyWings are defined by their flying abilities. Don't even let them stretch their wings until they start answering questions. You could also threaten them. 

3. Similarly, don't let SeaWings swim until they start answering questions.

4. Bright lights will be less effective on IceWings. 

5. You can do the same things to talon digits as you can fingers. If you think it would hurt, it probably will. 

6. Combining techniques boosts effectiveness. 

We hope this help with your information extraction.

-Dept. of Corporate Security 

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