6: Attempt

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Yay, I finally finished it. Check out my non countryhuman story pls. It has also smut in it👍


Germany POV:

Papa said that Mama isn't doing well and that me and Russia should play with Mamas friend. I think his name is F.I. because Papa said that. And me and Russia know his son. Italy was his name think. F.I. played with us some games he knew from his home country. It was really fun and we always laughed. After a while, Papa came back in. ''F.I. Reich...isn't waking up...it's been a while, and I'm starting to get worried.'' He said. Me and Russia looked at each other, confused, and looked back at Papa. ''Let's call the ambulance. That's the last option we have. If he doesn't wake up in an hour, we'll call the ambulance. Alright?'' F.I. said. I didn't understand. What was an ambulance? ''Papa? What is an ambulance?'' Russia asked Papa. ''The ambulance helpes people if they are hurt or sad.'' He explained. ''So they would help Mama if he is hurt? Is he hurt?'' I asked. Papa kneeled down and hugged us. ''Yes, he is hurt, and yes, they will help Mama.'' He replied. That made me happy.

Third Reich POV:

I woke up rapidly and looked around first. I was in Soviets room. Soviet also seemed to have changed my clothes. It was very comfortable in those clothes. ''oH SO YOu dECIded To wAke uP?'' I heard. That voice was back. God, I hated it. ''THe oNly WaY TO MaKe ME StOp Is TO fEel PaIN...'' it said. Now, a big urge to hurt myself came up in me. I got up and wandered down to the kitchen. I also rolled up my sleeves. But before I could grab the knife, I hesitated. Why? Why is that thing harassing me like that? I was so sunken in my mind that I didn't notice how I still grabbed the knife.


And before I could react, a sharp pain went through my arm. I hissed and looked down. I just cut myself. But it felt good... I continued, even on my other arm. I looked at my arms but then let go of the knife. I just...hurt myself. The blood was streaming down the fleshy wounds I created with the bloody knife on the floor. The knife wasn't in piece tho. I sank on my knees and looked at my arms. I heard rushed footsteps that rapidly stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. ''M- Mama?'' I heard a children's voice. Russia. I shook my head and heavily breathed in and out. ''P- PAPA!'' I heard Russia scream. I started crying and rolled together on the floor. Please let this be a dream. I heard heavy rushed footsteps come into the kitchen. ''REICH! FUCK! F.I. CALL AN AMBULANCE!'' Soviet shouted. He picked me up and looked at me, heavily worried. He looked at my arms and hugged me. He wasn't bothered by the blood. I hugged back and cried into his shoulder. ''T- the voices...I have voices...and they said if I want them to s- stop I have to hurt m- myself...'' I said with slight stutter. ''Shh...it's going to be fine...F.I. is calling an ambulance...'' Soviet said, comforting me. It really helped me. ''I called the ambulance.'' I heard F.I. say. I didn't want to let go of Soviet. I hugged him tightly and let out a shaky breath. ''Mama? Are you ok?'' Russia said. I looked at him and saw his sorrowful eyes. I couldn't clearly see because of my own tears. But Russia was definitely crying. I tapped Soviets shoulder, and he let me down. I kneeled down to Russia and hugged him. He started sobbing and hugged me back. ''Germany is asleep, by the way.'' F.I. said and looked out the window. He was probably waiting. ''F.I.? What happened with J.E.?'' I asked him and looked up to him. ''He is under the control of America. And he thinks you are dead. So if he sees you, he will kill you. But if you are with Soviet he probably won't.'' He explained. ''That's why Soviet has to go with you to the hospital. America is there. I don't know why, tho.'' The Italian added. I let go of Russia, and he was picked up by Soviet. They were both full of my blood. ''Better change your clothes.'' I said. Soviet nodded and left with Russia.

''F.I. if me and Soviet leave, can you take care of the kids?'' I asked. ''Of course I can.'' He replied. I smiled but asked something different: ''Have you ever seen a child with mine and Soviets flag mixed?''. Now he looked at me, shocked. ''I have...I actually was confused, but now that you ask me...yes...and that kid was with the English family.'' He said. A spark of hope came up in me. If he saw him then...he is alive! ''And if America is at the hospital...I can ask him!'' I said, and that gave me so much hope. Soviet came back and saw how happy I was. ''The ambulance is here.'' F.I. said and looked at me and Soviet. Soviet nodded and walked to the front door. I followed him. He opened the door before they could even knock. ''Oh hello, did you call us?'' The person asked. ''Oh hello Vadim. Nice to see you again.'' Soviet said, surprised. ''Hello, USSR. Why did you call?'' He asked. He looked him up and down and then did the same with me. His look stopped at my arms. ''So I'm guessing him?'' He asked and looked back to Soviet. Soviet nodded.

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