Last Wish

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Connie's POV
Leaving Clara with Kineth in the quarters, I attempt to conduct quick a sweep of the east side of the underground. Scanning every corner in case Sana could still be down here.

I know my mother would want me to drop this but I just can't. She cant just take everything from my life- to get back at Eren- and get away with it.

Though, considering its my day to watch Clara I should probably be fast. Shes only seven, so she's probably going to play with Dinah like always.

Bunker to bunker I scope every dirt road but find nothing. Giving up after a couple of hours I head back, seeing a family walking down the street smiling. The two parents had a little boy, swinging him equally between them.

My heart aches a little but goes back to being numb. When I started a new life I wanted that; A wife and children. Somehow I feel like that will never be in the cards for me. Like im bound to be alone or something.

Walking into the quarters, I watch as Kineth runs up to Eren in worry " Uncle Eren, Im so...."

"She's as stubborn as her mother kid. Don't worry about it if she not dead.." he says in a gentle low tone

assuming it was a tiff between the kids I enter the conversation "At least let the kid apologize. He's taking his first steps to responsibility." I tease

Eren glares at me, "I thought, you were in charge of her tonight." He says angrily, Disregarding what I was saying

I let out a nervous laugh "about that, I was..."

"Kineth, Clara.... Muffle your ears now" he direct. Confused at his anger I sigh, knowing hes about to act unrash. In a blink of an eye he pulls out his gun shooting my vital airway points. Forcing my knees into the floor I gasp for air.

"Hurts huh? Let my child out of your sight again Connie im cutting off limbs to re-heal. I know from experience how that feels too." He explains harshly pulling clara into the room.

Kineth kneels down to pat my shoulder  "You kind of deserved that." He says honestly

I wave him off to go away so I can wait to heal "W-What...." I try to ask

"Clara snuck off, outside the underground to find uncle Eren.." he explains

I roll my eyes, leaning back on the wall. Of course out of all days Clara would pull something so dangerous. I might want to reconsider the kid idea, I see why Eren was so angery.

Walking through the hall was Elizabeth. Locking eyes with me on the floor she lifts a brow "Looks like a Yeager bullet" she giggles crossing her arms "What did you do this time hot shot?" She attempts a pun.

Too exhausted from the gasping I move my gaze down the hall to avoid her. She can be so agitating with her snide comments. It's not like shes married to Reiner, so she can just stay in the bunkers like everyone else.

"Connie, I have to go do my fighting lesson with my dad. I hope you don't mind that I leave." Kineth says sympathetically

I nod waving him off. I attempt to stand but wobble enough for Elizabeth to hold me steady. She reached out without any complaint, "I hate to say this but, I actually came here to tell you Historia needs to see you..."

I groan internally, giving a 'oh boy' thumbs up with raised brows. Elizabeth smirks, "And I think that means he's excited." She chuckles to herself, as we make our way down the hall in silence.

Getting ready to exit the building, Armin walks in to see the smoke on my throat. He pauses, furrowing his brows with pity "should I ask?"

I shake my head, but pause when I see a tall blonde appear from the shadows behind him. The lighting outside the building was poor so I squinted my eyes as the figure came to.

Wishing Tree  |Alternate Ending |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang