Baby, You Were the Love of My Life

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Baby, You Were the Love of My Life

By : therogueskimo

- Harry needs a place to record one more song for the album, and London has him too in his head. He asks Liam if he can use his country house and set up a studio in his front room, and Liam agrees. Little does Harry know that Liam has an unplanned guest staying in that house - someone who saved him and ruined him in equal measure.
Louis finds out that the last six years of his life have all been a lie, and he runs to the one person he thinks will understand - Liam. He does not expect to run into the person whose heart he broke, especially when the truths about his past that have recently come to light have the potential to break that heart even more.

Words : 24k

Chapters : 4

Triggers : anxiety

Read Time : 1 day

Rating : 9/10
- i don't usually like canon compliant fics (this one is kinda) but this one was good

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