Like Candy In My Veins

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Like Candy In My Veins

by : littlelouishiccups

- "Um..." Harry said slowly after a moment. "Okay. That's... this is... Let me get this straight." He lifted up a hand and swallowed. "You told your family that you have a boyfriend... and my name was the first one you thought of?"

"Harry Potter was on TV, alright? It wasn't that much of a stretch." Louis pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe he was explaining himself to Harry fucking Styles. He couldn't believe he was stooping this low. "Forget it. I'm sorry I even thought about bringing you into this."

Harry snorted. "What? Did you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend or something?"

Words : 31k

Chapters : 5

Read Time : 2 days

Triggers : none

Rating : 8/10

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