Just Right

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Just Right

by : Snowy38

- "I can't hit you, Harry," Louis blurted, biting his lip afterwards as though that would take back what he'd already said.

Harry's brows rose and his lips parted as he sucked in air. Not a gasp, exactly, more like a surprised intake of breath. Louis couldn't help gazing at his lips when they were set that way, just wide enough to poke something in them, press something against their soft resistance. Something like his-

"I don't want you to," Harry said back.

Louis felt the crush of rejection flood through him, closed his eyes as the pain flitted across his chest and it didn't matter that he'd only met Harry four times and known him less than twenty four hours in total. He'd kind of wanted Harry to want something with him, even if it didn't involve subspace and spanking.

Words : 83k

Chapters : 18

Triggers : bdsm, self harm

Read Time : 3 days

Rating : 10/10

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