10. 2011

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It's been 2 years since the huge event that happened in England, Emmalin leaving. So let's catch up.

William ; He is now 28 years old, and engaged to Catherine Middleton. The wedding is in April.

Harry ; He is no longer dating Chelsy Davy, they broke up in 2010, not a whole lot of stuff has happened with Harry. He is now 26 years old.

Emmalin ; She is now 20, almost 21 now. Her life has gone downhill so much over the past couple of years.
Her 'boyfriend' Jackson moved them to Arkansas ( in the united states), and has started to abuse her a little bit. The two tied the knot in 2010. No one knows about it. Jackson instructed Emmalin not to tell anyone. So she didn't.

February 2011 ;

Emmalin has been pretty quiet the past 2 years, since she left the British family, and has slowly been regretting it.

She lives in the middle of nowhere, with Jackson, on a ten acre property, she has that to keep her busy. She has been enjoying the peace and quiet, but misses her brothers so much.
It is another start to her now 'normal' days, Jackson has gone off to work, leaving Emmalin at home, like usual.

She makes her way down to the mailbox, and sees that she's gotten 2 letters in the mail from England.

The former princess somewhat smiles, especially once she sees the name 'Will and Catherine' on one of them, and just Will on the other one.She immediately opens the first one, and gasps once she reads the first sentence.

'Hi Emmy, we couldn't wait to tell you, but we're getting married in 2 months! And would love to see you at the wedding! Please call us, to let us know if you can attend, we hope you can.
Love, Willie and Catherine'

Emmalin then opens the second letter.

' Em, it's me, Will. I don't know if you'll get this, but I want you to know that I miss you so damn much, and would love it if you called me sometime, to give me an update on how you're doing. Pops is ok, I can tell he misses you, as well as Harry. Harry hasn't been the same, it's almost as if he's depressed. I understand your reasons for leaving, but please, don't remove yourself from your family that loves you so damn much. Gran-Gran and grandpa don't know what to do with your absence. I've left my phone number for you at the bottom of the paper, please call me, anytime, day or night. I'll answer no matter what. Remember that I'll love you no matter what, Willie'

After the second letter, Emmalin broke down in tears.

She makes her way back inside and picks her phone up from the counter.

Staring between the phone and letter, she takes a deep breath and dials the number.

After the first ring, she immediately gets butterflies in her stomach.Just as she's about to hang the phone up from being too nervous, she hears a raspy, husky voice on the other side.

" Hello?" The husky voice asks her.
" I-is this prince Willie?" She asks with a half smile, hoping he'll recognize the nickname.
" Em? Is that you?" He asks, with disbelief laced in his voice.
" Yeah, how are you Willie?" She asks, trying to contain tears that dared to fall from her eyes.
" I-I'm good Emmy, how are you?" He asks, still in disbelief.
" I've been better. I got your letter that you and Catherine are getting married, it's about time." She said with a slight laugh.
" Yeah, I guess it is." He says with a slight laugh. " Are you going to be able to attend?"
She sighs. " I'm not sure. Uhm, I don't want to take all of the attention from you two. If I showed up, everyone would fuss over me, instead of the new married couple."
" What if you're hidden from the public?" He asks.
" That could work, uhm, but that would be very tricky though. The paps are in every little nook and cranny."
" That's true. But I want my little sister there for my big day. I want you in my wedding ceremony, so does Catherine." The eldest brother explained.
Emmalin sighed. " Ok. I'll be there, wherever you want me to be. If that means in the ceremony, then I'll be in the ceremony, and if you want me hidden then I'll be hidden. Do this however you want, Will, ok?" She says.
" Ok! I will be in touch with details, you'll need to fly out here soon." He says.
" There might be a problem there, I don't know if I'll be able to afford a ticket out there. Uhm, J-Jackson kind of took my money."
" I'll buy your ticket, but just yours. If Jackson wants to come, he'll need to buy his own ticket." The brother explains.
" Ok Willie, I'll talk to you soon." The little sister says.
" Ok Emmy, I love you."
" I love you too Willie, tell Harry that I love him too." She says with a slight smile.
" Ok, I will. Buh-bye."
" Bye." She says.

The Sister Princess ~ a U.K. British Story ~ Princess Diana's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now