7. 2007

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It is the beginning of the new year, a year none of the Wales kids wanted to face. 
With it now being 2007, that means in just 7 months, it will be 10 years since their mummy has tragically passed away. 
Life is about to go back to normal, with all of the kids leaving home, to go back to where they were.
William, he is going to go back to the military, he has been on leave.
Harry, actually joined the military shortly after he turned 22.
Emmalin, is switching college's, she was attending Marlborough College, but has switched over to Downe House school. Her father thought it would suit her better to go to a different college.


It's Emmalin's first day at Downe House school (boarding school for girls 11-18), and she is super nervous, she gets nervous quite a bit, but never like this. 
Over the past couple of months Emmalin has developed small panic attacks, usually when she gets overly nervous, but, she has managed to some how keep them under wraps. 
As she was getting brought to the school by her security guard person ( i don't know the name)
she is starting to get nervous. She hasn't been to a new school for around 4 years, and she doesn't know what to expect. She starts to feel her chest tighten, but she takes control real quick. 
After around a couple of hours, they arrived at the boarding school. 
Her maid and driver helped her put her stuff into her dorm, but Emmalin immediately felt everyone's eyes on her, since she is a princess, she just wishes she could get treated normally. 
After her stuff got put in her room she sat on her bed, looking around the small room.

" Is that everything your Royal Highness?" Her maid, Jennifer asks.

" I do have a question. How come there's only one bed in here? Won't I have a room mate?" The young princess asks.

" Uh no. Your father has instructed that you have your own room, due to privacy and your studies. Is that all?" Jennifer asks again.

" Yes ma'am. You are dismissed, you can tell my father that I've arrived safe and sound. Thank you for everything." 

" You're welcome princess" The maid said, curtsied, then left the room.

Emmalin immediately fell flat on her back, and sighed. 
She immediately felt her phone buzz. She picked it up, and it's a message.

" Hey lil sis! I know it's only day 1, but I hope you are enjoying your time at college. I know it's hard switching mid year, on your last semester but I know you, you are strong enough to conquer through this. Just remember that I love you, and if you need anything just call me, or text me. 
P.S. me and Harry both left you a note in your bag, so when you get nervous, or scared, or you just miss us or home, read them. ~Willy"

She slightly smiles, and sends back a heart emoji, then lays her phone down on her chest and sighs.

" This is going to be a long 5 months." She says to herself before getting up, and setting her room up. 


It's been a rough couple of weeks for Emmalin, everyone has been treating her weird, and she immediately knows it's because of her rank in the monarch, 4th in line. 
She feels everyone's eyes on her. Instead of letting it get to her, she throws herself into studies, hoping that will distract her from having friends or anything.

Emmalin is walking to class, and accidentally runs into a group of people. 

" I am so sorry. I'm running behind." She says as she picks up the books she's dropped.

" It's alright. You're the princess right?" One of the people ask.

Emmalin nods her head. 

" Well, I'm Alex, the red head is Vic, and the blonde is Taylor." Alex explained.

The Sister Princess ~ a U.K. British Story ~ Princess Diana's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now