2. 2000

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It's been 3 years since the death of lady Diana. Emmalin is now 10 years old, her brother Harry is 15 years old, and her eldest brother William is now 18 years old. 

Emmalin spent most of her days locked away in her bedroom, not wanting to face the outside world, or even her father. Ever since the day of her mother's funeral she hasn't been able to shake something that one of the paparazzi's said to her ' you're father didn't deserve your mum' 
She has spent the last couple of years pondering what that meant.
' maybe it's the fact that father didn't hold back and started dating Camilla really early'  she thought to herself.
Curiosity ended up winning her thoughts and she slowly made her way over to her computer that is across from her bed, and went to google. In the search bar she proceeded to look up information about her father and Camilla, breaking one of the biggest rules they had in the palace,
' don't search up the royal family on the internet'
After clicking on a couple of articles she is stunned to say the least. She found articles accusing her father of cheating on her mother. Which clicked in her mind.
'maybe that's why they divorced'  she thought to herself. 

Not wanting to hold in any of this information she just found, the princess quickly left her room and ran down the extra long hallway and knocked on her eldest brothers door, William. 
After she heard a faint 'come in' she opened the door as fast as she possibly could.

While laying on his bed reading a book, the eldest prince couldn't help but notice that 1, his sister is out of her room, and 2, she is out of breath.
After setting his book down and standing up he gave his sister a look of confusion.

" What are you doing?" He finally asked.

" I need you to come to my room right now. I need to show you something." She proceeded to say.

He looked at his sister for a moment, then proceeded to follow her to her room.
After they both entered she left her bedroom door cracked open.

" I need to show you something on my computer." She says pointing towards it on her desk.

A little skeptical William makes his way over to it, and proceeds to sit down on her chair, and read what's on the screen.
Only reading a few words on the screen you can tell he is frustrated.

" You broke the rule." Is all the prince said.

" I know. But look, all the pieces match now. Now we know why mummy and father divorced each other." The young princess explained.

" Doesn't matter. You broke on of the biggest rules that we have. When papa finds out--" William started to say, but was cut off by another voice.

" When papa finds what out?" The red-haired prince asks walking into the room.

" She broke the biggest rule we have." The eldest explained.

" What? She went online and searched up the royal family?" The middle child asked.

The eldest shook his head yes, while standing there with his arms crossed. 

" How's he going to find out? I mean as long as none of us say anything she'll be in the clear." The middle prince said, taking his little sisters side.

" That's not the point Harry. The point is he's going to find out, and when he does all hell is going to be released."  The eldest prince marked his point.

" Ok, well, don't tell on her. Oh come on Willie, now we know why they divorced." The middle child fired back.

After contemplating it for a moment, the eldest spoke up.

" Fine, I won't tell papa. But, if he asks about it, I'm not going to deny it. You both understand?" 

The prince and princess both nodded their head, and everyone went on with the rest of their day.

The Sister Princess ~ a U.K. British Story ~ Princess Diana's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now