Chapter 17

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From the look on Chad's face, Anna knew that he had no idea she was the model he would be photographing today. She felt a chill run through her and felt exposed in nothing more than a few straps of leather. Ever the professional, she stood from buckling the bartender's ankle restraints and looked directly into Chad's eyes.

"Do you want his hands restrained? Or will he be needing them?"

"Restrained. I'll do it," he joined them on the platform and quickly buckled the restraints.

"Aren't those a little tight?" Anna asked, reaching to loosen one.

Clint smiled up at her, "I'll be fine."

"No, I'll loosen them. There's no need for them to be uncomfortable." She loosened one restraint and then the other as Chad went back to his equipment. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Just stand behind the chair with your hands on the back," he ordered.

"Like this?"

"Spread your feet out until they are on either side of the back legs of the chair."

Anna did as instructed. While Chad was snapping photos, Jerry entered the room with Carly and Kandy.

"How's it going?" Jerry asked.

"I don't think this is going to work." He held his camera out to the older man.

"Hmmm, I see what you mean. Clint, my boy," he said, looking up at the restrained man, "You look like you should be the domineering one with all those tattoos and piercings. I think we are going to have to go a different route. Anna, go ahead and unbuckle him."

Anna let out a sigh of relief and began unbuckling the restraints. Kandy joined her on the platform and went to work on the other side. Anna hoped this meant they would be postponing her involvement in the photo shoot, or at the very least, they would choose another room for it.

"Clint, take these two ladies out to the bar and get them something to drink. We've got to figure out something else," Jerry sighed.

"What are you thinking?" Chad asked. He appeared to be a little less tense than he had been before.

Jerry looked from Anna to Chad and back to Anna. She saw the idea formulating in her boss's head before he spoke.

"No, Jerry," she growled.

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

Chad looked from one to the other. "Someone want to fill me in?"

Anna turned her attention to the handsome cowboy in front of her. "He's going to suggest you be the male model, and he'll take the pictures."

Jerry laughed, "Okay, maybe that was what I was going to say. It'd work though. He has a more wholesome look than Clint. He's definitely more attractive. And, I've taken all of our promotional photos in the past. It's not like I don't know my way around the camera. He can fix it in edits.

"Let's do it," Chad agreed, passing his camera to Jerry so he could remove his t-shirt and cap.

"No way!" Anna stomped her foot and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why not?" Jerry asked.

Chad sat in the chair and grinned up at her. "Yeah, why not?"

"Because...because you are my best friend's brother-in-law."

"By a week," he laughed. "And you know good and well Tiffany wouldn't care if I posed nude on the cover of a girlie magazine."

"It's settled then," Jerry asserted. He walked over to the panel and selected some slow music. "I'm not much of a director of these kind of things, so go ahead and just give him a show like you would normally do with a customer. I'll just take some pictures while you work."

Anna glared down at Chad's grinning face. She heard the click of the camera and jerked her head up to look at Jerry.

"That look is perfect. An angry and sexy dominatrix," he said as he snapped another picture.

Chad reached over and buckled his left wrist into the restraint. "Here, you do the other. There's nothing I can do all tied up."

"That's not the point, and you know it," she seethed. With a frustrated growl, she pulled the leather strap over his right wrist and pulled it tighter than necessary. He looked up at her with a devilish grin and raised brows.

Resigned to her fate, Anna grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed his head down until his chin touched his chest. "Keep your eyes down," she ordered. She ignored the sound of the clicking camera and left the platform to retrieve a flogger and black silk scarf.

Before mounting the platform, she took in a deep breath and let it out. She tied the scarf around the handle of the flogger. Chad still sat with his eyes on his own crotch. She let the music wash over her and climbed the stairs to the platform. Starting at one hand, she let the flogger brush across his skin, up his arm, and across his broad shoulders. He looked up at her, so she hit him across the chest with the flogger.

"Eyes down," she ordered.

Anna ran the flogger down his chest and abdomen before letting it sweep across the crotch of his jeans. She untied the scarf and dropped the flogger to the floor and placed her hands on his thighs, leaning forward. He kept his eyes averted as she glared at him. With her finger, she lifted his chin until his eyes met hers. Pupils dilated, she saw the hunger in them. Her core involuntarily tightened. He licked his lips, and she leaned in closer. The clicking of the camera increased.

Straightening, she used the scarf to take the same path she had with the flogger. Once she stood behind him, she wrapped her fingers in his hair and pulled his head back. He stared up at her. She took the scarf and laid it across his eyes, tying it in the back. Anna ran her hand along his shoulders and down his arm as she walked around the chair. In front of him, she grabbed his knees and spread his legs wider. Slowly, she ran her hands down his chest and dropped to her knees in front of him.

"I think I got it, Sunny," Jerry's voice broke the spell. "Let's let Chad have a look."

She stood and unbuckled his right wrist. While she worked to remove the other restraint, he removed the blindfold. Unable to look at him, she left the platform and shut off the music while the two men looked at the pictures on the camera's display.

"This one is good," Chad said. Anna couldn't help but notice his voice was a little gruffer than usual. It was nice to know that she wasn't the only one that had been affected.

"I like this one," Jerry added.

"If you have what you need, can I go now?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, go. Chad's going to get a few shots of the food Chef is preparing. Then we can all grab dinner. We'll meet in about half an hour." Jerry turned his attention back to the screen.

Anna and Chad's gaze met. He looked at her quizzically. She ducked her head, turned, and left the room. When she entered the dining area, she saw that Kandy and Carly were engrossed in conversation at the bar. Clint watched her. She smiled and turned to go back to the dressing rooms.

Grasping the back of her chair, she stood with her head lowered and shoulders slumped. Her stomach churned with all of her emotions. She was turned on, embarrassed, and pissed off all at once. Finally, she straightened and kicked her heels off. She opted to leave her wig on, so she wouldn't have to deal with redoing it for her shift and began undressing. Unfastening the halter, she removed the tape that held the costume in place when she heard a noise behind her.

She jerked her robe off the back of her chair and covered herself. She prayed that it would be one of the girls or anyone besides Chad. Slowly turning around, she found Clint standing in the doorway. His eyes were wide, and he held his hands in front of his crotch.

"S-sorry, Sunny. You looked upset, and I just wanted to check on you," he stammered.

"I'm fine. Look, I know you're new, but the only guys allowed back here are Jerry and security."

"I know. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," he assured her before turning to leave.

Anna quickly pulled on a pair of joggers and a crop top, wishing she had a hoodie. Thousands of men had seen her naked, but for some reason, she felt especially exposed today. Just when she was thinking she should just skip dinner with everyone, her stomach growled. Rolling her eyes at her reflection in the mirror, she left the dressing room in search of the other two women.

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