Chapter 13

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Anna exited the stage at the end of her set. She had always enjoyed her job, but tonight she felt exposed. She couldn't help but wonder if her stalker was out there in the crowd. At first, she tried to see the faces, wanting to know if she recognized anyone from around her apartment. That proved to be distracting, and she lost timing with the music. So, she kept her eyes on the stage floor. Her tips reflected her lack of connection with the audience.

Grabbing her black silk robe off the back of her chair, she slid her arms in and tied it to fend off the chills that had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. She sat in her chair and stared at her reflection in the mirror as she removed her blonde wig. She had one more set at the end of the night with the other girls. They always closed out the night with a burlesque style dance. Otherwise, unless she was requested for a private dance, she was free to relax for a bit before she changed for the final number.

Pulling her purse out of her vanity drawer, she retrieved her phone. There was a text from Tiffany on the screen asking how things were going. She shot back a reply, "Good. How are my girls?" The last thing she wanted to do was add more worry to her friend's already hectic life. Her phone immediately vibrated with an incoming text.

Tiffany: Growing like weeds. Camilla has started rolling over onto her tummy. I think Emily won't be far behind.

Anna: Awe, I hate that I missed it. How are you handling everything?

Tiffany: I'm adjusting. I knew it would be a lot of work, but I think I underestimated it a bit.

Anna: Maybe you should think about hiring someone to come out and help.

Tiffany: Chase's mom has been coming out for a couple hours. It gives me a chance to get a shower at least. Levi is going to start helping out full time with the cattle, so Chase will be around a little more.

Anna: That's good. Have you decided if you are going to tell your mom?

Tiffany: Chase wants me to, but he doesn't know her. She has my number, yet hasn't texted or called since I left her house. I refuse to be the one to contact her, so I'll tell her if she ever reaches out.

Anna: For the record, I think you are doing the right thing. You don't need her involvement.

Tiffany: Did Chad make it?

Anna: Make what?

Tiffany: To Colorado. He left out early this morning. He was supposed to call, but I haven't heard from him.

Anna stared at her phone. Why would Chad be in Colorado? He was supposed to be leaving out for a job. She looked around the room like she expected him to be standing behind her. Her phone vibrated.

Tiffany: Did you not know?

Anna: That he was coming to Colorado? Why would I know that? You just said he was getting ready to leave again.

Tiffany: Oh, sorry. Apparently, he talked to Jerry at the reception. He's going to work at the club to replace Luis and do some promotional photography.

Anna: What? You're kidding, right?

Tiffany: No. I know you two didn't get along, but you're always so busy, and so are the guys, that I doubt you will even see much of each other. He is my brother-in-law, so that does make him family now, so be nice. Please.

Anna: I have to get ready for my next set. I'll talk to you later. Love you.

Tiffany: Love you, too.

Tossing her phone back in her purse and stuffing it into the drawer, Anna pulled off her robe and changed out of her silver panties and pasties into her turquoise underwear, garter belt, pasties, and corset. She quickly rolled black, lace-topped stockings up her legs and attached them to the garter belt before adding a turquoise silk garter. Buckling her strappy turquoise heels, she secured her blonde wig with pins before adding her sequin and feathered headband. Anna made her way out to the front of the house and found Doug standing with his huge arms crossed over his chest.

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