Chapter 16

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Before the first of the ladies arrived, Chad went to the bar to grab a drink. He didn't think he had ever been this nervous. As he set up his equipment, he had noticed his hands were shaking. Grabbing a glass from behind the counter, he poured himself a shot of amber liquid and threw his head back. The whiskey burned as it made its way down his throat. He placed his hands on the counter and lowered his head, waiting for the alcohol to do its job and settle his nerves.

"You okay, man?"

Chad looked up to find the bartender had arrived and was watching him with concern. "I'm fine. Just not used to taking pictures of people."

"I'd give anything to be in your shoes today. These chicks are hot," he said, running his tongue across his bottom lip.

Something about the way the younger man looked toward the curtain to the private rooms made the hairs on the back of Chad's neck stand on end. "Clint, right?" Chad asked, standing to his full height.


"How long have you been working here, Clint?"

"Just a week."

Chad nodded his head. "I think it best you figure out real quick that these women are here to work. They have to put up with enough harassment from the customers. They shouldn't have to put up with their coworkers being lascivious douche bags too."

Clint's gray eyes looked up at Chad. "They know what they signed up for," he sneered, puffing up his chest. Before the man could even blink, Chad had his hand wrapped around his tattooed throat.

"What's going on here?" Jerry interrupted.

Chad released the bartender before turning to Jerry with a smile. "Nothin'. I was just getting a better look at our guy's ink before our shoot later."

"Hmmm..," he looked from one man to the other, "well, Kandy is ready for you. She's in the mirror room."

"I'll get to work then," Chad said, leaving the two at the bar.

Chad stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the mirror room. The woman in front of him had long jet black hair and was dressed in a red corset.. For a brief moment, he thought it was Anna, until he saw her reflection in the mirror. When she met his eyes in the mirror, a smile spread across her face, and she turned around to greet him.

"Hi, I'm Priscilla, but you can call me Kandy," she held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Chad," he introduced himself, shaking her outstretched hand.

"I'm so excited to be doing this. I've always wanted to be a model. I even took some modeling classes once."

"Then you'll have more experience than me," he laughed. "I'm used to shooting animals and scenery. Let's start on the platform. Go ahead and do whatever feels natural."

Kandy used the wall panel to turn on music and began dancing on the platform. Chad took several shots from the tripod before taking the camera in hand. With very little direction on his part, Kandy posed, and he got several good shots. At some point while he was engrossed in taking the photographs, another woman entered the room. She was striking in a black bobbed wig and black lace lingerie.

"Ma'am, would you mind joining Kandy? I think a couple shots of the both of you with infinite reflections would be amazing."

"Sure thing, Cowboy, but don't call me ma'am. I'm Carly," she smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you again Carly. Stage name?" he asked.

"Yes. It's the only one I use anymore unless you are the government."

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