Chapter 11

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It was dark by the time Anna pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex. Parking under the street light in her designated spot, she rolled her shoulders to release the tension from the long drive. She already missed her best friend and the Circle C. After sending a brief text to Tiffany to let her know that she made it home, she pulled her bag from the back seat and made her way to her apartment building.

The complex was made up of six buildings. Each building was three stories with the doors to each apartment facing the outside. Anna's apartment was on the second floor of the north end. She climbed the stairs in the center of the front of the building and made her way down the walkway to her unit. She was three units away when she noticed there was something sitting on the ground in front of her apartment door.

She had already expected there to be something left for her, but she froze when she reached her unit door. Angry red letters were written on her door. She gasped as she read the words "Bitch, where are you?" Dropping her bag on the ground, her eyes darted around looking for someone lurking in the shadows. She turned and bolted back down the walkway and stairs. When she reached her car, she locked herself inside. With trembling fingers, she dialed the police.

"Denver Police Department, how can I help you?" a bored female voice answered.

"Um, I think I have a stalker. I've been gone for a couple days, and someone has been to my apartment. I'm afraid to go inside."

"Okay, ma'am, can I get your name?"

"Anna Bishop." Anna could hear the clicking of keys on the other end of the line.

"Miss Bishop, can I get your address please, so I can get a unit on its way?"

Anna relayed her address. "I'm in my car in the parking lot right now. It's the reserved spot at the end for unit 215."

"Okay, we have an officer on his way. You said you believe it is a stalker. Has this happened before?" the woman asked.

"Someone has been leaving me gifts on my doorstep over the past few weeks." The clicking of the keys on the other end of the line continued.

"Are you married or are you seeing anyone that may be leaving the gifts?"

Anna pulled the phone away from ear and stared at it incredulously before returning it and responding, "No. I'm not seeing anyone."

"Have there been notes or messages with the gifts that made you think the person has bad intentions?"

"Not until tonight," Anna responded. "He wrote, 'Bitch, where are you?' and left another package."

More clicking carried over the line. "Did you open the package?"

"Not this time."

"What items have you received before this?"

Anna felt as if she was being interrogated and had done something wrong. She let out a deep breath before answering, "Candy, flowers, a stuffed animal, lingerie, and a vibrator."

"Do you still have any of the items?"

"No, I threw them all out."

"Okay, can you think of anyone who you may know that would leave you gifts?"


The woman's typing continued. "Have you had contact with anyone recently that you may suspect could be doing this?"

Anna knew that her next statement was going to lower herself in the opinion of the dispatcher, but answered anyway. "I'm an exotic dancer. I think it may be someone who has come to the club."

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