1. How You Meet

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You dance and sway to music pumping through the speakers in the crowded club. The smell of sweat, alcohol and over powering fragrances from both genders is burning through your nose; but you don't care. All you care about is having a good time with your friends.

You catch a glimpse of an extremely good looking male, with amazingly tanned skin and artistic tattoos covering his muscly arms. He had plump lips, perfect cheekbones and jawline; he was gorgeous. You were snapped out of your daze when he caught you staring and smirked at you from where he was sat in a booth with three other boys.

You quickly turn around and carry on dancing with your friends and ignore everything that just happened. Just when you get back into the music and your hips are swaying again, you suddenly feel a pair of hands on your waist. You are alarmed at first but keep your cool and turn around to see who the hands belonged too. The stern expression on your face softens as you turn your head around to be faced with the boy you were staring at minutes before.

You turn back around carrying on dancing, pretty much grinding on this hot stranger. "Did you like what you saw earlier?" he questioned; you didn't respond but he knew you'd heard. He then carried on, "don't worry I like what I see right now too," you could hear the smirk in his comment. He reached down and kissed behind your ear before you turned around properly for the first time. You were faced with this beautiful boy that looked even better close up.

"Hi, I'm Calum," "hi, I'm Y/N," "nice to meet you, Y/N," "nice to meet you too, Calum."


Waiting really wasn't your thing; you were such an impatient person, so right now you found yourself in a fairly busy pizza place waiting for your pizza knowing that it was going to take a while. You knew you shouldn't have decided to 'pick up' a pizza on your way home, you should have just ordered it for delivery.

When you finally heard the name of your pizza being called you rushed over to the counter to retrieve it. As you were about to grab it you saw another set of hands land on the box at the same time as yours. You looked at the person and couldn't help but blush; he was so attractive and he had this edgy look about him that made your tummy fill with butterflies. He was sporting an eyebrow piercing, a few tattoos and bright red hair. He was so hot!

"I see you like my favourite pizza," "I see you like my favourite pizza too," "I will let you take this first, but only because you're pretty," you blushed at his words as he carried on, "and only if you take my number with you too?" you smiled before taking out your phone allowing him to enter his number in your phone. As he passed his phone back to you, you read his name aloud, "Michael," while texting him so he had your number also. He pulled out his phone and spoke, "Y/N," he smirked at you before you left with your pizza and a grin plastered across your face.


A day out at the zoo with your family seemed like it would be a very boring day considering you were significantly older than your two younger siblings, being 18 yourself and them 8 and 10 years old. You sigh in exasperation as you start walking through the zoo glancing at all the different animals.

"C'mon Y/N at least seem a little bit excited, it is your little brother's tenth birthday," your mum said to you, "yeah and it's my 18th birthday and I'm here at a zoo as if I'm turning 8," "you know I apologise to you every year for the fact that your brother was born on your birthday, don't make me feel worse than I already do. It couldn't be helped," "it's fine," you sigh. "I'm sure you will have fun at some point today," you ignored your mum's words as you spot some penguins. You rush over to them, your family following closely behind. You look at them in awe; you have always loved penguins, everything about them, so you were amazed right now.

A voice snapped you out of your daze "do you like penguins huh? I do," "yeah i do," you said before turning to be met with a pair of piercing, ocean blue eyes. You had to quickly look at the floor so he wouldn't see how shy you were, practically intimidated by his good looks and the fact that someone as good looking as him was actually speaking to you. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with your family moments ago, but is it actually your birthday?" "Yeah, my 18th" you sighed, a little bit disappointed with how your 18th birthday was turning out. You looked over to where your family were and smiled at them seeing how happy they looked but it also made you a little sad that they were happy without you. Your mum looked up and smiled at you and you returned it.

"I'm Luke by the way," "Y/N," you smiled up at the beautiful boy. Suddenly he took your hand in his as he used his other one to wave off three other boys who I assumed were his friends and the people he came with. Luke started leading you towards your family so you looked up at him with a confused look over your face but he just looked down at you with a reassuring smile, showcasing his perfect dimples.

"Erm hi-hello, Y/N's family, I was just wondering if I could steal Y/N for the rest of the day please, to celebrate her birthday how she would like too. Only if that's okay with you though," Luke asked your parents and they both smiled before speaking, "yes," "thank you," you replied to your parents before giving each family member a hug.

"Told you today wouldn't be that bad," your mum winked at you. You rolled your eyes in return before walking off with Luke.


'COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE' was the only thing banging around your head right now as you rushed to the nearest Starbucks. You were already late and extremely tired as you had trouble getting to sleep last night explaining the reason for you oversleeping and being late right now.

Arriving at the very popular coffee shop you noticed that there was an average line, not too long but it definitely wasn't short enough considering the amount of time you were lacking. You sighed and made your way to the end of the queue. Tapping your foot impatiently you sighed once again even though there was one person ordering and one in front of you, not too bad but not good enough.

The man in front of you turned around instantly noticing how impatient you were being, realising you were in a rush. Your first initial thought when he turned around was 'wow he's hot' and even more so when he smiled with the brightest smile and eyes, showcasing his amazing dimples. "You seem like you're in a rush, order with me and I will pay for your coffee?" he offered. You smiled fortunately and answered, "that'd be great but you don't have to pay for it," "c'mon, let me buy a pretty girl like yourself a coffee," "thank you and okay," you blushed stepping up to the counter with this beautiful stranger.

He ordered both of the coffees and you both walked over to the side as you waited for your drinks. "So, erm- hello I'm Ashton," "hey, I'm Y/N," you smiled up at him before your drinks were called out.

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