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Monday, August 21, 2016

Devante alighted first from the car that had picked them up from the airport, offering his hand to Melissa. For a few beats, he worried she wasn't going to accept it, but then she did. He helped her out and shut the door firmly after her with his free hand, maintaining his hold on her.

When she realized he was still holding on to her, she tried tugging her hand out of his. He held firm as the driver went to the trunk to get their things. When she noticed him smiling like a man pleased with himself and what he'd been able to accomplish, she tugged again. He held on for a bit, then abandoned the effort, and watched as she discreetly put space between them.

The front door of the house opened at that moment, and a young boy burst out of the house and onto the compound. "Papa!" he screamed, running at full speed. Even if he hadn't screamed 'papa', Melissa would have known him anywhere.

Devante's son, Xaviel.

He wasn't exactly a carbon copy of his father, but there was a resemblance, especially if you knew what you were looking for. She watched Devante smile indulgently and ready himself to catch the running boy with hair as dark as his. Again, she wondered where exactly things were going wrong at.

Devante caught his son and lifted him up and off the ground, reveling in the way the boy held him hard. He tightened his own grip and looked at Melissa with a smile when she felt her gaze on him. She turned away, turning a light shade of pink at being caught staring.

"I missed you papa." Xaviel leaned back to look at his father, his small arms still wound around Devante's neck. "You said you'd be back in three days, but you took longer than that," he complained.

Devante kissed the side of his head and set him down on his feet. "I'm sorry. There was a slight delay, and I assumed Sandro would have passed on the information."

"Why didn't you talk to me directly?"

"You were asleep when I called. But again, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better next time," he added in a placating tone, ruffling his son's hair. "Where is Sandro?"

"He's inside with Lourdes. I think they're putting on clothes," Xaviel answered absently, his attention on the new person standing with his father.

Incensed, and knowing exactly why his brother and his girlfriend were now putting on clothes, Devante swore under his breath. He heard Melissa's giggle and turned to find her trying to stifle a laugh. "This is funny?"

Melissa couldn't help it. She laughed out loud for a few seconds. "I mean, I'm not sure what you expected, leaving your son with such young adults. They probably thought they were being slick."

"Still, they were with my son," Devante growled. "I especially told them not to. And now, Xaviel has seen them."

Melissa finally got herself under control and wiped at her eyes. "For all you know, he's seen it before. He seems smart."

"And where the hell would he see that?" he demanded hotly.

Melissa shrugged. "You going at it with his mother maybe?"

Devante pinched the bridge of his nose. "I've told you; I never laid with her. We never even shared a room."

Melissa waved it off and looked down at the boy who was looking from one to another, clearly listening to their conversation. She smiled down at him and extended a hand. "My name is Melissa Crawford. What's yours?"

He drew himself up and gave her a charming smile, all traces of boyhood disappearing. In that moment, he looked so much like Devante, and Melissa was appalled to find she was heating up. He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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