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Sunday, August 19, 2018
Tony's Beach House
Los Angeles, Carlifonia

"Kyleigh, get back here!" Alexandra said, finally at the end of her patience. "I gave you a bath less than ten minutes ago and you're already dirty. . .and still naked!"

The kid in question giggled, running on chubby legs towards where her dad and aunt sat, talking. "You should go back to mommy, Trouble," Trey said, scooping her off her feet.

Everyone had began referring to her with the nickname Andrew had gifted her, because she was indeed trouble personified. Where she got that, Trey didn't know, but it definitely wasn't him. Maybe Lexi?

He heard his wife's voice and winced at the volume. He held his daughter in front of him at arms length, her lotion smeared body glistening as she giggled, kicking her small legs in the air. "Now you've gone and done it. Your mom is coming for you."

Melissa laughed, taking the little girl from him and wrapping her, arms and all in her red suit jacket. "I'll offer you to her as a peace offering," she told Kyleigh, who shook her head—still smiling, "then after today, I think she needs a vacation."

Kyleigh giggled then began squirming to be free of the suit. She didn't like not having freedom. "Down pwease, Aunty."

"Nope," Melissa said, rising out of the couch with the bundled child to meet Alexandra who'd just descended the last of the stairs.

Alexandra put Rhett, who was fully clothed and smelling fresh, down on his feet, giving him a lollipop and a high five. Then she told him, "Go sit with daddy okay?"

"ʼKay momma," he replied, running off.

Then Lexi straightened and looked down at a bound but squirming Kyleigh, her smile gone. Kyleigh either didn't know how deep of a trouble she was in or simply didn't care, because she grinned toothily at Lexi. Then to make matters worse, she said, "Pop pwease momma."

"No lollipop for you," Alexandra told her.

"Buh I baf," Ky argued, not understanding why she couldn't get the promised lollipop.

"And got dirty," Lexi told her, pulling on the bridge of her daughter's nose. Kyleigh wrinkled her tiny nose in response.

"Momma," she muttered in complaint, turning her head from side to side since her arms were bound.

"You were to wait for me to finish bathing for Rhett so I'll get both of you dressed. But you not only ran away, you made a mess of the whole room, spilling the lotion and your powder all over, even ripping some diapers. So you're going to help mommy clean and then you'll bath again."

"I get pop?" she asked hopefully.

"No," Lexi said, bursting her bubble. She looked sad, but Lexi pressed on. "What do you say for all that trouble you've caused?"

"Sorwy momma," she said quietly. Melissa felt bad, but she wasn't going to intervene. Lexi had to discipline and teach Ky boundaries.

"And will you be a good girl and help mommy clean?"

"Yesh pwease," she said, her voice shakier—she was on the verge of sobbing.

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