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Monday, August 20, 2016
Los Angeles, California

"Have a nice trip you two!" Melissa said to Trey and Lexi as she held on the twins. Then she looked down at them. "Say bye to mommy and daddy."

The twins waved with huge grins, probably thinking it was one of those situations where their parents left them for the day and came back for them at the end of it. The days they were spoilt rotten by aunties and grandparents. They had no idea their parents were going away for a while on a honeymoon.

Trey wrapped an arm around Lexi's waist to pull her away through the glass doors and into the airport. She wasn't too keen on leaving the kids for two weeks because she had never. But they needed the respite after the chaos they'd been through.

When they disappeared through the doors and into the throng of people, Melissa picked them up, settling both on her hips, then headed towards the garage where they'd parked. Once there, she hustled them into their car seats and then they were off.

To meet Devante.

Tony and Ashley weren't home for the morning, so she had offered to take the kids to breakfast after dropping her stepbrother and bestfriend at the airport. She parked outside the hotel he was staying in and got the twins out, heading inside with them.

When she got to the lobby, she stopped at the receptionist's desk and was met with a dazzling smile. "Good morning, how may I help you?"

Melissa smiled back. "Hi, I'm meeting someone for breakfast."

The receptionist's eyes widened with remembrance. "Would that be Mr. Romero?"

"Yes please."

"Of course. He mentioned that in advance. Allow me call a guide to take you there." She reached for the phone upon Melissa's nod, but said, looking at the kids perched on her hips, "They're really cute by the way, and quite well behaved."

Melissa grinned. "They have their devilish moments, but right now they haven't eaten anything-just juice. Low energy."

The receptionist chuckled, then spoke into the phone when whoever it was she was calling answered. When she finished, she replaced the receiver and gave Melissa another beaming smile. "He'll be here shortly, Ms. Crawford."


Rhett tapped her twice on the chest to get her attention. When Melissa looked at him, he said, "I'm hungwy Aunty," he said quietly.

"Me too Isa," Ky said, pouting.

"Were going to get food, okay?" They nodded, turning their attention to their surroundings. Out of nowhere, they began squirming to be let down, amidst excited giggles, leaving Melissa thoroughly confused.

She turned and spotted Devante headed towards them. He looked fantastic in the black jeans and cream knitted sweater he had on, having pulled it up to the middle of his forearm. Still, she didn't understand the twins' reaction.

They got more violent in their squirming and complaints, so she set them down. As soon as their feet touched the ground, they rushed off towards him, squealing and giggling madly. Melissa cast a look around to see if anyone was bothered. They had smiles on instead, and she realised it must look like a family reunion to them.

Having turned a bright shade of red from picturing what it would be like to have their own kids react like this, she took a deep breath and went after the twins, watching as Devante scooped both of them up effortlessly, kissing them all over.

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