Comon Baby

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A/N: TLDR: Vinnie bites ankles also she probably has rabies. (She definitely has rabies)

Vinnie scowled at the boy in front of her, she held her arm out in front of Skipp as he backed the two into a corner, twirling his switchblade in his hands.

"Comon' baby, Look, I know we've had our differences, but if you join us, you and your little friends will be treated so well~! Think of it all!" Ditch wrapped his arm over Vinnie's shoulders. "The money, the power, the candy, comon' Vinnie, girl, I know it's tempting you."

Vinnie scoffed. "Why should I, eh? Last time you kidnapped my friends to try and get me to join and it still didn't work, what makes you think trying to bribe me will-"
Ditch cut her off, squeezing her tighter. "It's cute. How you think you have a choice, I'm tryin' to be nice here, Winnie."


"Eh- Tomato potato."

"Thats-" Vinnie let out an exasperated sigh, truly not having the energy to deal with him.

"Even if you force me to join your stupid gang, what makes you think I'm actually gonna' do anything you tell me, we both know I don't take orders, especially from people who haven't even heard of shampoo."

Ignoring the blatant insult, Ditch kneeled down to Skipp. "Well, I have my ways." He smiled, pressing the tip of his switchblade to his throat. "So, we can do this the easy way or the hard way Vennie."

"For the love of-" Vinnie scowled and lunged at Ditch.

~ ~ ~

The car pulled up and stopped outside the abandoned factory, Stone snapped out of his daze and looked at Avrille.

"Well. Lets go." She stood up and opened the drivers side door, Stone followed her lead, opening the passenger side door. Seeing a crowbar on the ground he quickly grabbed it.

He looked behind him and noticed Avrille seemed to intend to follow him inside.
"Avrille this isn't a smart idea, for a fucking genius chemist you're a dumbass. These guys are brutal- They'll kill ya' without thinking twice. They-"

Avrille entirely ignored him, and just walked right in, none of Ditch's lackeys batted an eye at Avrille's sudden appearance, in fact a few of them greeted her in a friendly manner. She began to walk up the rickety metal stairs.

"Avrille- Whats going on- why do you-."

Avrille cut him off. "Just. Keep your mouth shut and follow my lead."
Stone scowled. "No."

Time seemed to freeze. That was the first time Stone had ever said no to her.. the first time in a long time anyways.

"No! I won't do it!" Stone had put his foot down here, he had read the notes, he knew she had never even tested it on rats before, what if something bad happened?
"Just drink it for Christ's sake! If anything happens I know how to fix it!"
Stone grimaced. "I said no!"
Avrille was beginning to have enough.. this kid was getting on her nerves. "I'm going to tell you One. More. Time. Drink. The. Damn. Potion."
Stone stared up at his sister, nose wrinkling.

The scream echoed through the halls of the house.


"What did you just say to me?" Avrille stared down at Stone, raising her hand.

"No." Stone took a deep breath. "You. You aren't my sister anymore and I'm not your damn lab rat. I know what I'm doing! I only needed a little help but honestly now I'm thinking I'll be better off on my own! I don't know why I even tried! You're an egotistical bitch who doesn't know when to stop!"

Avrille shook in rage, but stopped herself. "Fine. Deal with it yourself. Like I give two shits. I have more important things to do."

She stormed away, pissed off. Stone continued up the stairs, he entered into a room where he could hear voices. A high pitched scream caused his blood to run cold, he ran into the room, worried about his friends.

What he saw was.. definitely a surprise.

Vinnie bit down on Ditch's ankles, and he let out the girliest scream imaginable.

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