09: Zendaya

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In New York,It was a bright Monday morning. Everyone was either at home,at the office,at work or just exercising.

    In no time, News of Zendaya's death circulated, Zendaya was the model that was used to replace Joan for the America Celebrity newspaper cover.

  She was found dead in her room with a bullet stuck in her chest, stomach and a bullet hole in her forehead. A chain was beside her,it was obvious that it was used in strangling her because of the strangling signs that were found on her neck. Her tongue was outside, it was already stiff.

    The forensics said she has been dead for the past two hours. Her body was covered and moved to an ambulance with a stretcher while the police took all the evidence like the chain, bullet and pictures were taken also.

    Not too long after her death was announced, Her manager's death was also announced. His death was not as brutal as Zendaya's own. The modeling industry was thrown into confusion as different blogs, broadcasting stations and internet warriors were carrying different news with different evidence.

    Joan's voice recording came up, it was the recording of her yelling in the plane about her getting replaced with a model for the America celebrity cover. The issue was linked to Zendaya's getting the deal and her death.

    Joan's house was filled with furious fans, bloggers, vloggers and broadcasting stations. She managed to escape through her back door with a delivery bike and a helmet to cover her face. She drove roughly to King's entertainment but the people there were ten times more furious than the ones at her home. She eventually got past them, Thanks to her disguise. The moment she got to Daren's office, She threw away the helmet and marched towards him.

    “ What did you do? ” With her breath heavy and her hands rubbing her temples.

    “ I only did what we always do, There is no problem” Daren smiled and offered Joan a seat.

    “ You only did what we always do but at the worst time, The media are not going to stop anytime soon and it's taking a huge part of my career. Chanel sent a message this morning alongside the collaboration termination, This message has been circulating since yesterday and I was not aware” Joan screamed furiously.

    The screaming took a wrong turn on Daren as he stood up, he released a hot slap to her left cheeks making her blind and deaf for like two minutes.

    “ In anything you say or do, You don't scream at me” Daren yelled with anger.

    Joan held her cheeks as her body calmed down a little bit, She pulled a chair forward and sat down gently.

    “ What are we going to do? ” She asked in a low tone.

    “Our PR team is working on it. All the blogs carrying fake news will be attacked with viruses and we will release an article tomorrow. You should not worry yourself about that, it's just a trial. The media will forget about it soon”
    “ We are also going to turn this around and make it favour us, We should also prepare for that” Daren smirked, reassuring Joan that everything will be okay in no time.

    “ I'm going to stay in the guest room for the meantime,I can't go back to my house” Joan yawned hungrily.

    “ You are free, Just make sure your phone is turned off” Daren then walked out of the office to discuss with the PR team.

    He called an urgent meeting and they all met in the meeting room.

    “ Good Morning Sir” Almost everyone entering the meeting room greeted them with a slight bow. Daren's manager was the last to enter with a gloomy face.

    “ Everyone is aware of the rumours circulating about one of our biggest models right?” He asked with his eyes moving around to see everyone answering.

    “ We have to release an article about it before it gets out of hand but before that we have to take down the posts and videos about it”

    “ How do we take down the videos? Many people have saved it on their phones” A young lady in glasses asked with a curious mind.

    “ We just have to disburse viruses and connect it with the videos and posts with this hashtags ( #Joan # Zendaya's death #Killer #Wicked Model) and other related hashtags. It will be easy and it won't be traced '' One of the coldest and critical thinkers among the PR team mouthed with her emotionless face as always. “ Even if it has been saved on their phones, seeing it being taken down. They will be forced to delete it” She added

    “ Alright” Daren smiled, ” Bring it down as being solved now, We have to discuss about the articles”

    Daren's manager raised his hand, indicating that he had a suggestion. Daren gave him a nod as a go ahead.

    “ I'm thinking maybe we should disburse the viruses hours after releasing the article, People will believe it is a rumor if they see blogs getting blocked and the posts taken down” He shared his own opinion.

    The rest accepted his opinion immediately which made Daren smile a little.

    “ Let's start preparing for the article,I will bring Joan to the thinking room ( A secret room with soundproofing where different articles are being released)” Daren stood up and faced the entrance.

    “ After preparing the article and creating evidence, Lavender news station will be the first to release it before we do. This will avoid the public from suspecting anything” He said before closing the door.



   Dunn hissed, dropping her phone on the table.

    “ The internet is so quick to forget. When Zendaya was given the contract, The internet caught fire while people were calling her all sorts of names for collecting Joan's deal. Now that she's dead, They seeking for justice, Stupid people with foolish behaviors”

    “ I always knew that Joan of a lady has things under her sleeve but people will cover it up. Zendaya lived all her life to please the public, One of the reasons why she was asked to replace Joan. I hope she rests in perfect peace” Dunn sighed and put on her television. She remembers that Laura is going to be stressed today.

    “ I hope this journalist's work won't land her into trouble. I still need to find out who lied against me”  She put off the television using the remote and pulled her laptop closer.


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