08: Talent of a thief

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Dunn was still walking looking for a job even if it was part-time time when her stomach grumbled angrily making her realize she had not eaten since morning.

    “ Oh no but I still need to look for a job,” Dunn moaned, rubbing her temples in frustration.

    “ Lavender news station” She groaned and walked towards a noodle restaurant to fill her stomach as she couldn't withstand the hunger again.

    “ Good afternoon ma'am, What would you like to have?” A waitress walked towards her with a smile.

    “ What else are you people selling apart from noodles? ” Dunn asked sarcastically, making the waitress realize how stupid her question was.

    “ I'm sorry ma'am, Which flavor would you like to have? Is it the spicy one or the normal one? ”

    “ I will go for the normal one, I don't have enough strength to withstand the spicy one and please top it up with two chicken wings” Dunn smiled and brought out her phone to search for a job vacancy around her. The waitress went ahead to process her order.

    A notification popped up on her screen Collecting all her attention. “ What the fuck is this? ” She mouthed looking around.

    Lavender News station collected the award as the best News station of the year which surprised Dunn.

    “How can they collect the award when they are one of the mellow-rated news stations? Something is fishy'' She thought, massaging her friend, Laura.

    A young man walked to her side with a cheesy smile. “ Hello” He greeted .

    Dunn raised her head before she could open her mouth to reply, she admired his beauty.

    His round face, his long hair parked in a ponytail, his little soft lips, and everything about him. She was drooling over this stranger.

    “ Excuse me” The man calls for her attention, snapping her out of the drooling making her smile weirdly.

    “ Good afternoon and how can I help you?” She asked, trying not to be weird.

    “ I just wanted to take this seat so I decided to ask for permission”

    Dunn's smiworewly wore off “ Which seat are you talking about? The one I'm sitting on? ” she raised her eyebrow in curiosity.

    “ My girlfriend and I had some reservations last week and we were given this table. Kindly excuse us” The guy said politely, that was when she noticed a gorgeous lady beside him who was giving her a disgusting look.

    “ I'm sorry for the inconvenience” The guy smiled, pulling his girlfriend nearer to himself.

    “ Oh but please this is the only seat available, can I just sit on the third one even though I can't share the table with you both” Dunn said, she didn't even know where that gentleness came from, she was surprised.

    “ That shows you are a beggar or maybe you don't know the meaning of a reservation. Reservation means that everything eaten on this table will be paid for by us, Can't you tit think through? ” The lady blasted rudely.

    Dunn looked at her from head to toe before releasing a smirk, “ I know that with your broken face, You will be more than stupid. Do I look broke like you and your idiotic boyfriend? ” Dunn wore back her behavior, ready to teach her a lesson.

    “ You think with this cry of yours, My boyfriend will look at your side. I noticed how you were drooling over him when he first greeted you, bitch” The lady mocked carrying Dunn's bag, she threw it ten steps away from them.

    “ You and your silly boyfriend are agents of temptation and I won't give in” Dunn rebukes going ahead to carry her bag, On her way, she meets the waiter bringing out her order.

    “ You can have the noodles. '' She mouthed and paid with the money she removed from the pocket of the lady who abused her earlier.

    “ I'm not a thief but I have the talent of stealing” Stylishly, she exited the noodles restaurant.

    “ You look jobless,” Dunn said to herself and sighed. She was still walking when an advert came up on the billboard, it stated that the Ooks group of companies needed workers.

    Dunn jumped up happily as she quickly typed the contact number and address before she tossed her phone back into her bag and released her breath.

    “ I pray I get accepted” She kept her faith solid.

At Kings entertainment, a new set of models were ushered in, Almost twenty of them.

    Daren Kings was seen sitting on a chair with a smile on his face, nobody knew what was going on in his mind except his P.A.

    “ Good afternoon everyone, As you canKingsI'm Daren kings' ' His round lips formed a smile. The ladies drooled over himcompetinggan competition themselves. Some were changing their voice to sound more sexy while some were adjusting their dress to show more flesh.

    “ You are welcome to Kings entertainment, As you know, there are rules here.”
   “everyone all, everyone of you will change your contact number and your friends because as soon to be celebrity, You are not expected to be seen with classless people” Daren mouthed and stood up from his seat behavior change in behavior.

    The models raised their heads and stood upright ready for the rules to be laid out.

    “ There will be a proper orientation for you all, but before that I will want to say something important. There is no termination of the contract after you have signed so if you want to back out now, please do” Daren said in a friendly warning tone. He knows what he is saying but due to the huge amount of money offered, none of them could back out.

    “ Now that everything is settled, let's proceed to the standard procedures” He smirked and walked out with his manager running behind him.

    “ Sir, Miss Joan didn't go for the modeling shoot. A new model was assigned to the Job” The manager said adjusting his glasses, The look on Darren's face explained everything.

     He didn't want to tell Daren about it but if Daren knows from an outside source, He will be in serious trouble.

    “ You know what to do, Nobody neglects my scot-free go scot free. Tascot-freedel and the one who recommended her” He ordered and opened his car with a serious expression.

    The manager sighed sadly, he won't dare defy the order, now he still has a young daughter in the hospital.

    The manager brought out his phone  and dialed a number “ Hello,I will send you some information now please make sure you clear it with no mistakes”

A/N: So Sorry for the late updates

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