03: Drunk on tequila

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" I'm not okay sitting here, Everyone is looking at me with either hatred or pity and I hate it" Dunn complained uncomfortably.

" I told you to go home and rest, I will help you pack your things but your blocked ears won't listen to me so I'm not moved by your complaint" Laura replied, walking towards the second seat located beside Dunn but it's only for staff.

" I know you will want to go to the club today but I will advise you to go home and sleep" Laura chuckled.

Dunn sighed facing another direction, She saw Nancy coming towards her which made her scoff, irritated. She stood up to leave. Her hands searched for her bag but it was nowhere to be found.

"Looking for this?" Nancy was raising the bag with a smirk playing on her lips.

"Get your dirty hands off my bag" Dunn yelled, collecting her bag forcefully.

"You know what, I've always thought highly of you but your actions made me lose the little respect I had for you" Nancy made a clicking sound with her lips.

Dunn was somehow confused about what brought about the issue of respect in this discussion.

"I never needed your respect anyway, Answer the question I asked. How did you get hold of my bag? "

" You mean how did I get hold of that sack you call a bag" Nancy released a mocking laugh.

"Hey Nancy, I've had enough of your stupid and unnecessary banters with someone more smart and successful than you. Even though she got fired today, the things she had achieved at this current age even if you date the richest man you can't achieve because you are a failure" Laura mouthed. Her statement called attention immediately as everyone focused on them.

Nancy's mocking laugh got stuck in her throat as she looked at Laura with hatred. She was boiling in anger like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.

"Wow, This whole statement is just to support your evil friend. I'm hundred times better than her at least I didn't dig out lies just to spoil someone's image" Nancy fired back making Dunn's eyes widen, her emotions were mixed.
Is it because of the lies told against her or because of the looks on her?

Laura turned to Dunn and mouthed "Please just ignore her stupidity, She is trying so hard to make a comeback" Laura knows how dangerous Dunn's anger can be but it was already late as the next thing heard was someone's cry and a chair hitting the ground.

Dunn hit Nancy's head with an office chair causing her to fall on the ground with a bleeding head.

Everyone there was stunned as they looked at the bleeding girl on the ground.

"Next time you will know when to keep quiet and you can't send the cops to arrest me because it's an act of provocation" She picked up her back and waved at Laura.
" An ambulance will be here soon, I will call them on my way out," She said and dialed the emergency number,911.

"There is a bleeding patient in the lavender news station. She may die in the next five minutes if there is no medical help" She said on the phone and clicked the red button on her phone screen.

"Goodbye Lavender News Station, I will never have the opportunity to work here again, rather I will have the opportunity to deal with everyone that comes together to lie against me" In a grand style, she walked out of the entrance.

In two minutes, Two ambulances parked in front of Lavender news station and rushed in to carry Nancy who had almost bled out the whole blood in her body.

"Dunn" Laura covered her face after calling her friend's name.

"I love what you did" She smiled before pretending to sympathize with the rest of the workers.


The sky was becoming dark already which made it nice for a good drink.
Loud music was heard coming out from the club, Different people and drinks flying around.
Strippers, Hypemen and women, DJs, and so on were doing their business in the club. Different dancing steps were invented by the drunk ones.

Dunn entered the club through the second entrance, She met bodyguards standing there but for reasons unknown to her they let her in which also surprised her. Her dress was not too bitchy as she put on a long armless gown with a slit on both sides, She was putting on a jacket that covered her chest.

"This place doesn't look like the regular club. Hope I'm not lost, She thought, looking around.

No music was heard, Just normal people having a drink. She was very worried but after a while, she shrugged it off and decided to go for a tequila.
She sighted the bartender and walked towards him. Her heels were hitting the ground with a classy sound that turned attention to her. The guys in there were wondering who the hell she was. A model or a public figure.

"Why is everyone looking at me? Am I that gorgeous?" She thought and put on a smile before going to sit on the chair near the bartender.

The bartender walked towards her and bowed. "What would you like to take ma'am?"

"Can you get me three bottles of tequila? I want to get wasted" She smiled as the bartender nodded.
In no time her orders were brought to her.

She mouthed a thank you before opening the drink with the opener on the table. She gulps down the tequila from the bottle. Within thirty minutes she finished the three bottles and ordered for more.

The bartender was surprised but what's his business, He was employed to sell.

"I hate lavender news stations and if I eventually get the person who lied against me, I will strangle that person" She hissed, opening the fourth bottle as she gulped it down once. Anyone looking at her right now will crown her a professional drinker.

"I need to empty my bladder, Please" She belched and struggled to stand up. She staggered back, almost falling but she helped herself by holding onto the chair.

She opened her bag to take out her debit card and stretch it out to the bartender.

"Please place your thumb here" The bartender mouthed. After the transaction was successful, He gave her the debit card and she put it back into her bag.

" I'm okay" She smiled weirdly. She carried her bag and phone and found her way to the bathroom as her eyes read. Unfortunately for her, she entered into a VIP room and made use of the toilet with her bag and phone.

She almost dropped it into the bathtub as she was staggering. She walked out of the toilet and dropped her back on the bed stand. She was about to hit her head on the wall when a hand held her.

"Wow, My Superman" She staggered and hugged the person tightly.

"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my room?" Mason's voice came up looking at the drunk lady in front of him.

"My Superman" She mouthed and vomited on him before falling to the ground.

"Ewww" Mason screamed and tore his shirt in disgust. He picked up the telephone and phoned customer service.

"Come and clean up this mess now" He yelled and dropped the phone.

"Who the hell is this disgusting creature?" He mouthed looking at the blinking doll on the ground.

" Don't you dare threaten me" Dunn mouthed as she struggled to stand up only to slap Mason across the face.

"What the .." He exclaimed, holding his red cheeks.

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