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The courtroom was dead silent, many looking at Sirius as though he had grown another head, wondering why and how he had spent twelve years in Azkaban if he was so sure he was not guilty of the crime he had been accused of

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The courtroom was dead silent, many looking at Sirius as though he had grown another head, wondering why and how he had spent twelve years in Azkaban if he was so sure he was not guilty of the crime he had been accused of.

"I would like to show the court today, the proof of what happened during Lord Potter's third year at Hogwarts when coming face to face with Lord Black for the first time" Madam Bones projected the memory in the air for everyone to see, using her special pensieve which was often used for trials.

The wizengamot watched the memory in disbelief, Percy Weasley pailing at the sight of his old pet, scabbers turning into none other than Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore was frozen, panic filling his eyes as he watched some of his more important plans failing. He knew that if Sirius got pardoned, then he would get full custody of Harry and Dumbledore just couldn't allow that. Harry needed to stay with the Durselys, his mother's protection was the only thing that could protect him and of course, the heavy-handed care that his family gave him would keep him just the way Dumbledore wanted his pawn to be. It seemed that throughout all these planning and thoughts, he completely forgot that Hadrian had taken his position as head of his family, and he was now emancipated and free.

"Lord Black, would you consent to answer a few other questions under veritaserum?" Sirius immediately agreed, willing to show the wizagmort any way he could that he was not guilty.

"Auror Tonks, please give lord Black a few drops" Tonks nodded, her purple hair standing out immensely as she walked towards Sirius with a smile.

"Hey cousin" She whispered, taking the small vial out of her pocket.

"Hey Tonksie" Sirius opened his mouth, allowing his younger cousin to place two drops on his tongue. Seeing his clouded eyes, Tonks took a step back and nodded at Madam Bones, indicating that he was ready.

"What is your name?"

"Sirius Orion Black"

The questioning went on for another ten minutes before it was clear to everyone that the ministry had once again let down a lord of a prestigious house. Most of the wizengamot felt disgusted by what Sirius had to go through, whilst others, especially Lucius Malfoy were livid because now Sirius Black was free, the hope that his son, Draco would get the Black heirship was now a distant memory.

"Lord Sirius Orion Black, the ministry hereby declares you innocent of all charges. You'll receive five thousand galleons for each year you suffered in Azkaban. The session is now over"

Hadrian immediately rushed down to greet the free wizard, a bright smile appearing on both of their faces as they embraced one another.

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