The brightest witch of her age.

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Hermione Granger was aware of her uniqueness from a very young age

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Hermione Granger was aware of her uniqueness from a very young age. She was often seen engrossed in books or engaging in mature conversations with adults. As a result of her mature personality, she became a target for bullies and spent a lot of her time feeling isolated both in and out of school.

At the age of eleven, she discovered that she was a witch, specifically a muggle-born. She had always felt different from others, but she hoped being around other witches and wizards would make her feel more accepted. However, she soon realized that she was still different from those around her, which was disappointing.

Although Hermione had a difficult start at Hogwarts, she managed to make friends with two Gryffindor boys. However, she admits that if it weren't for Harry Potter, she would never have befriended Ronald Weasley. It's not that Ron isn't nice, he can be funny and sweet, but he struggles with empathy and often lets his temper get the best of him, especially when he's jealous. Hermione has had her fair share of arguments with Ron, which usually end up with her either yelling at him or crying in her dorm room due to the hurtful things he says.

On the other hand, Harry is the kindest boy Hermione has ever met. Although he also has a temper, Hermione never feels hurt by it because she knows he genuinely hates being even a little bit rude to her. Hermione was aware that Harry's living conditions were far from perfect and she had been trying to persuade Dumbledore for years to let him stay with her. She even went to the extent of offering to put special wards on her home to ensure his safety but the older wizard had always refused, stating that Harry's staying with the Dursleys was for the greater good.

She had always harboured suspicions about the headmaster but had kept her opinions to herself because she knew that Harry held him in high regard. However, her perspective changed after he witnessed the tragic death of Cedric Diggory and was subsequently forced to return to the Dursleys. Dumbledore had instructed that he was not to receive any owls or communication from the wizarding community, but Hermione refused to leave her best friend alone after such a traumatic experience.

Hermione was relieved when Harry informed her that he had left the Dursleys. However, she was also scared since Voldemort's return made things much more dangerous for Harry. She was determined not to lose him. Hermione had a crush on Harry since her first year, which had only grown stronger with time. Although Harry only saw her as a friend, she refused to give up hope. Until he explicitly told her that he didn't feel the same way, she would be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity.


Hermione jolted from her place on the sofa in the family room as the doorbell rang, her parents were at work and she had spent most of the day doing chores or catching up on some reading. She placed her book down and made her way to the front door, once open she was shocked to come face-to-face with Professor Lupin and Mr Weasley.

"Professor? Mr Weasley?"

"Hello, Hermione. Can we come in?" Mr Weasley asked in his usual soft and happy tone.

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