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Ceres's eyes reflected the bright flames as his brown hues widened. his white hair was beginning to get soaked by the melting snow on his head. all he could do is hold the princess and watch as they could do nothing. king Bulan had told him just hours ago, to protect her no matter what happens. did he know this would happen. he clenched his teeth so tight he swore they could break in seconds if he bit down even harder. he wanted to cry and scream but it wasn't like him to do, so he just held Kaida tightly in a warm embrace rubbing her back gently as he rested his chin on the top of her head. his ears filled up with her sobs and muffled screams, it felt like someone had ripped out his heart, he felt everything she felt. her pain her inner screams and the heart wrenching agony of wanting to scream out loud in horror. but all he could think was...


"Kaida...we need to move..."

Ceres spoke gently to kaida. They had hid behind the tree for almost an hour. They practically blended in with the snow around them thanks to ceres causing a blizzard to form. Shielding them with cover so the princess could morn her losses. Although there's preferred if they had waited until they were somewhere safe and warm. She was just a child. She was nothing but an innocent young girl caught up in a war between two different dragon clans trying to annihilate each other.


He placed a hand upon her upper small back. She was clinging to his chest shivering and still softly sobbing. She hadn't spoken or even flinched when he touched her. He tilted his head back against the tree letting out a heavy sigh. She needed to move. No. They needed to move. If they didn't move they would eventually be found. They needed shelter. She needed shelter. She needed a warm bath, a warm dinner. And someone to hold her tight and to never let her go. Ceres had to become this person-


"I'm fine ceres..let's just go.." kaidas voice was weakened. Her tears became droplets of snow forming upon her eyelashes. Wiping the snow from her eyes she pushed herself from ceres's chest. Her bright blue eyes slowly gazed upwards to meet his. Her lips tried to smile as they quivered up and down.
This killed ceres heart. His hands came up halfway as if to grab her shoulders but she jumped back a foot.

"No. I'm fine..."

"Kaida just-"


Shouting at ceres kaida bawled her fists up clenching her eyes shut. After a few seconds of silence kaidas eyes began to lift and peek open as she met his gaze again. This time he was frozen still, shocked from her sudden outburst. Ceres brown hues widened softly. His lips pressing firmly into a straight line, eyes brows furrowing slightly he kneeled down to her height.

   "It's okay to not be okay. In time things will get easy. But for now I need you to be strong I need you to surpress this anger. Save it for another day."

Ceres's eyes closed momentarily before he opened them to meet her eyes once more holding eye contact. He gently removed his furr coat from around his shoulders and placed it around kaidas shoulders.

    "This should keep you warm. It's a magical coat. I'll make you a magical princess so keep it on."

  Taking her small hand in his large ones he stood up helping her to her feet. "Stand straight with strength. Keep your eyes open. And stay close to me okay?"

   All kaida did was nod agreeing to what he had told her. Ceres began to walk from behind the tree holding her hand tightly. He could hear them. The black knights were getting closer. He could smell them. He had to act quick. They were getting too close for comfort. With a wave of his hand the snow storm brewed up more strong winds causing the knights across the slope of the hill to tumble and sway.

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