The sun and the moon

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    Everyone knows the love story between the sun and the moon.  That the sun and moon fell in love and travelled the world together. That is until the moon tragically betrayed the sun, and slept with the Morning star. The Gods punishing them both, so that they would never meet again. The moon travels with the night and the sun traveling with the day.

    But the real story is what's more important. For the sun birthed a red dragon with flames, and the moon birthed a white dragon of light. Both dragons fell to earth, chaos emerging from the earthly clans creating a war between the world of the dragons that roamed the earth. Their being six dragon clans, the gold, the red, the blue, the green, the blacks, and the whites. These clans clashed against one another destroying their own in the wake of blood and destruction, leaving the skies that once wandered with flying beasts of the sky, in blood shed.

The sun dragon and the moon dragon soon then fell in love just like the sun and moon had once did. The two grew a ever more complicated relationship as their clans fought for the other's extinction. But this didn't stop the two dragons from falling in love, putting aside their differences.

    One day the two dragons who were madly in love made it known to their clans, offering a peace treaty between the opposing forces and forging the six continents between the six dragon clans they lived among. Thus naming the entire state, pendragon. As the years went by and the lands begun to heal from the wars and destruction, an unsettling enemy rose to destroy the relationship between the sun dragon and the moon dragon. This enemy was a dark force a dragon from the black clan that fed on fear and chaos. Angry from the peace the two created, the black dragon dug into dark magic causing his eyes to turn green a eerie look for the creature. He then Cursing them, so that the moon dragon may never remember the sun dragon. And the sun dragon shall never remember the moon dragon. That is until their paths intertwined together one day in the far future, but the black dragon would make sure their paths never meet as he married the red dragon making her think he was her lover, and not the moon dragon.

    Until the two meet again the clans diverged not ever again associating with the other clans as to not oppose the ruling clan, the blacks. That is until a red dragon was born between the red dragon and the black dragon. Creating a red son who had the black's power. The blacks older son grew angry with his father for having another child. Thus creating a new story to be told between the brothers and the new moon dragon.

 Thus creating a new story to be told between the brothers and the new moon dragon

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