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Ch 32: Frustration

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The moment I step outside, I realize how lost I am. The buildings all look the same, and I struggle to remember the shape of the hospital.

"Excuse me," I say, running to the first person within reach. "Please. Please, can you—"

I chase after the woman, only catching her attention when I grab a corner of the large laundry bag she has slung over her shoulder.

"Excuse me, I—"

"Did ya not hear that scoundrel?" Her question is a seething hiss. "Three days. Get to work or get outta the way."

She tears the sack from my hold and continues down the road.

I look around, seeing people of all shapes and sizes with the same expression of resolute exhaustion on their faces. With a curse on my tongue, I run up the street, hopeful I'll see something familiar, eventually.

After a few blocks, my legs and core remind me how much strain they've been through. They tighten from the exertion and each fresh step feels like a monumental stride.

I rest against a lamppost to stretch my calves and take the weight off my feet.

How are we supposed to flee when I can't run for more than half a mile? And if that's all I can manage, what hope does Cephias have of doing any better?

These questions only make the striking pain in my muscles worse. However, the anxiety focuses my survival instincts, and I spot a tall tree rising over some nearby buildings. Considering how few trees are in the heart of town, there's a good chance it's the very tree that hosted my songbird from this morning.

With a target in sight, I force my feet forward and head on a few more blocks before finding the three-story hospital building on the left side of the road.


I've yet to give my name and I doubt the tight-knit community would refer to each other in such a way, so I know Eleanor's call is directed at me.

"Ms. Eleanor, I came as soon as I could. The bandits—"

"Did they see you? We couldn't hear from here. There was just a bunch of commotion and then we heard people shouting orders to gather food for delivery as they ran by. We thought that must mean they didn't see you, but we couldn't be sure..."

She trails off, her hands wringing the hem of her apron.

"Mr. Tomas practically threw me over the bar counter when he heard them coming."

"Bless that old man's soul," she says with a sigh before ushering me through the door. "Had they seen a fresh face, they'd suspect you had something to do with the dragon."

"They...they would?" I try to keep my voice even, hoping she'd attribute any disruption to my progress up the stairs.

"Don't take this personally, miss, but you being at the very spot a dragon falls... It's a bit suspicious. Especially seeing as the dragon fell after fighting another one. No one's seen dragons fighting since some rumored conflict a couple decades ago. It's all a very big coincidence."


However, she has no time to elaborate on her thoughts. We both stop dead in our tracks upon reaching the third-floor landing.


I don't know if the doctor is in the room. I don't know if Eleanor follows me. All I know is that his garnet eyes are open and flashing with fire.

If my muscles are rebelling against me, I can't feel it. I cross the room in a few strides before sweeping down to his side and planting my forehead against his.

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by Sylvia N. Gould
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