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Ch 4: Gap

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The next morning, I don't come down with Andre for breakfast.

Instead, I remain curled up in my bed, tired beyond reason because my thoughts kept me up all night.

When my parents told me I'd be sacrificed for the good of our people, I did a lot of screaming, crying, and begging. Once I realized there was nothing I could do to change things, I accepted it and waited. It still hurt, it still scared me, but I knew that there was no changing it.

This, however, is different.

My captor doesn't have the entire Akarnian army to track me down this time. Instead, there's a handful of people that turn into dragons. Which doesn't particularly sound better, but maybe it's not so bad. They may be able to raze the forest with their fiery breath, but that doesn't mean it will catch me.

Chasing after me at that size will be like chasing after an ant in the tall grass.

There is hope of escape this time. I won't wait around for death like before. But how long do I have before Cephias hands me my sentence and my chance is gone?

A knock at the door disrupts my panicked thoughts.

"Taliyah. Why didn't you come for breakfast?"


My heart clenches and I wrap my shield of blankets tighter around my body.

"Taliyah. You must eat. I won't allow you to starve yourself."

Is his concern because he wants me plump for a tasty meal or because my uterus is no good to him if the rest of me is dead?

"Taliyah, if you don't answer me, I will come in."

The debate in my head over my response takes a second too long. The door slams against the wall, and I cringe at the sound.

"Taliyah, are you alright? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Why does it matter?"

I'm uncertain if my words can penetrate my cocoon, but the dragon's ears seem sharp enough to hear them anyway.

"Why does it matter? Because..."

He pauses and I roll my eyes. Apparently, it's hard for him to feign sympathy.

"Because," he continues, "it's the right thing to do. Do you humans not care for your neighbor? No wonder your parents willingly gave you up. It must not be in your species' nature to feel pain for your brethren when they are hurting."

I scoff at his insinuation and throw the blankets off me in a fit of indignation.

"Where do you get off acting all high and mighty about caring for your neighbor? You do remember that you demand gold from the entire realm every year, right? Is that caring for us?"

I sit back upon my heels with the layers of quilts and sheets piled around me. My anger keeps me warm for a second, but with nothing but my drawers and a nightgown on, the cold is quick to weaken my defiance.

The mattress bends and bounces as Cephias settles himself upon the very edge of the bed.

"Come here," he says with a sigh, reaching his hand for me. "I can keep you warm."

"Don't touch me!" I slap away his offer. "Blankets will do just fine."

"Well, you threw them off with such conviction, I thought perhaps you were done with their aid."

His rumbling voice bounces with a chuckle, and his lips twist into a smirk. I snarl in return, grabbing the corner of a quilt and pulling it around my shoulders. My body turns with the movement and I sit with my back facing the dragon. There I stew in silence.

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