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Ch 10: Chill

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I wake up feeling different now that I'm no longer under house arrest.

There's no knock on the door to tell me Andre's here to walk me to breakfast. It isn't even locked. I can walk out right now if I want to.

But I don't think I want to. The wounds left by Cephias's rejection sting, and I'd rather not expose my vulnerabilities to the others.

Instead, I huddle deeper into my blankets and attempt to will myself back to sleep.

After an agonizing hour of restlessness, arguing with myself about how I should use this time to gather supplies, a knock sounds at my door.

My body stills.

Is it Cephias? Has he come to check on me? Will he come to chastise me for not eating? Will he tell me that pouting is no way to convince him of marriage?

"Miss, it's Jennit. May I come in? I have your breakfast and I should freshen up your fire."

So not, Cephias, I think to myself. Why then do I feel disappointment rather than relief?

"Miss, my lord told me I had to give you your food. Sorry to intrude."

I groan into my pillow, but eventually call over my shoulder and toward the door.

"It's all right. You can come in, Jennit."

"Good morning, miss. We have a hash with fried hog belly. One of my favorites, if I may say. I've also brought you up a cup of tea. I've noticed you favoring the spiced berry blend, so that's what I have. It will be here on the table for you."

"Thank you, Jennit."

I don't expect she hears me with how deep I've burrowed into the pillows, however, her cheery voice informs me otherwise.

"Of course, miss. Now I'll put some fresh logs on for you. Would you like me to run you a bath?"

"No, thank you."

"Would you like me to pull out an outfit for you to wear?"

"No, thank you."

"Would you like anything at all, miss?"

"Unless you can explain the inner workings of a dragonith mind, I don't think there's anything you can do for me."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"Neither do I."

This time there is a long pause and I wonder for a moment if she left the room altogether. I dare to pull back the covers and check. When I find a face looming over me, I scream like a panicked chicken and nearly jump right off the bed.

"Sorry, miss," says the young dragonith with a low, pleading voice. "I did not mean to scare you. I was just trying to figure out how best to approach you."

"Approach you did. So much so you're practically on top of me."

Despite the still rapid beat of my heart, I shift my weight and settle up against the pillows so I face Jennit fully.

"Sorry, it's just I..."

She bites her lip and glances toward the closed door to the hallway. I look past her to see what troubles her, but there's nothing but silence beyond my room.

"I wanted," she continues in a near whisper as she turns back to me, "to thank you, miss."

"Thank me? For what?"

Her chin drops against her chest and her hand runs up and down her arm. It's hard to remember she can transform into a terrifying beast in the blink of an eye.

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