Chapter 20 - Wrath of the Princess part 3

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At Prodigium's Paris headquarters, the general alert had just been raised as the immense and supernatural sandstorm had appeared out of nowhere and began to gradually invade the French capital. The television screens broadcast the images filmed live by the various television teams scattered throughout the city and who, despite the chaos and danger, managed to take images. On the banks of the Seine, a boat had just been attacked by a strange amphibian humanoid creature. Perched on one of the gargoyles of Notre Dame Cathedral, a female vampire could be observed. Near the Arc de Triomphe and terrorizing passers-by, a werewolf was observed, accompanied by a man covered in bandages and a little girl with a cadaverous appearance. In front of the Eiffel Tower, which had become the epicenter of the storm, Ahmanet could be observed, surrounded by her legions of undead to whom she gave her orders, sending them spreading throughout the city and sowing maximum chaos and terror in the hearts of humans. Ahmanet then sensed that she was being filmed, glared furiously at the camera and with a shrill roar summoned a torrent of sand that slammed towards the lens, cutting the transmission as the cameraman's screams were briefly heard.

From his office, Henry Jekyll had been able to watch everything on television, looking serious and silent. He had of course recognized Ahmanet, but also the other monsters who were currently terrorizing the city. Lawrence the Werewolf. Marya the Vampire. Jack the Invisible Man. Frankenstein. The Creature from the Black Lagoon. All these monsters were listed in the organization's archived files and which had since been sought. His attention then turned to the large bay window behind his desk which offered an overview of the city of Paris, which ordinarily might seem splendid but which now presented a terrifying vision, the immense clouds of sand rising as high as mountains and inevitably continuing to engulf buildings and streets.

_"Here we are... it's the end..." he breathed darkly, looking serious.

Sandra Winters came rushing into the office and headed towards him.

_"Sir, the storm is approaching faster than expected. The teams have prepared everything according to your instructions, we must evacuate now!"

Henry agreed without saying a word, but as he began to follow Sandra, the bay window shattered following a sudden violent gust of wind and sand, almost like an ocean wave crashing into a cliff. The shock wave threw Jekyll and Winters to the ground, who, half stunned and blinded, nevertheless managed to quickly regain their senses and noticed what was happening. The desk and other furniture had been completely knocked over and sent several meters into the air. Just in front of the destroyed bay window, the sand that made up the imposing tornado gradually took the shape of a giant face, that of Ahmanet, who emitted a powerful and threatening roar towards the two humans as she looked on them.

_"Prodigium..." then growled the resonant and monstrous voice of Ahmanet who spoke through the storm. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

The voice of the princess crushed them with its power and the dark aura it gave off. Jekyll had to very strongly restrain Hyde's mind, which inside seemed to be in ecstasy with all this darkness.

_"Ahmanet..." he then said. "What's going on? Where is Mathias Parrish?!"

_"You dare to ask where he is, after what you did to him?" replied Ahmanet furiously. "You killed him, or rather, you sent your filthy assassins, like the coward that you are!"

This revelation was a shock to Jekyll, as was Winters. Mathias was dead?!

_"Ahmanet, I am very sorry for you, but I assure you that I never ordered such a thing." Jekyll tried to explain in an attempt to appease the princess's fury.

_"LIAR!" roared Ahmanet, whose giant sand face suddenly approached, making the doctor take a step back. "You're hoping to fool me with your pathetic excuses! Mathias was a unique soul and you hunted him down and killed him like an animal!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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