Chapter 13 - The Evil Within

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_"The day you were born was marked by the most terrible sandstorm that the kingdom has known. That day, the Nile took the color of blood and the burning winds of the desert whispered a name... Ahmanet."

All this was said from the mouth of her own father when she was a child and had never left her memory, even after her "death" and "resurrection". But why was this memory now coming back to haunt her? Was she torturing herself without even knowing it, as if to punish herself for her faults? Ahmanet knew nothing about it, and at the moment, found herself in a difficult situation.

Still imprisoned in this horrible confinement room, on her knees, tied securely with chains and gagged with a metal panel around her mouth, the princess could do nothing but wait, the mercury permanently injected into her body, keeping her weakened and unable to use her magic at the peak of her power. She also observed all these humans dressed in black and possessing these strange futuristic weapons and who were closely monitoring her. Mathias was no longer in sight and her concern grew for him. As for the god Set, he must have enjoyed seeing her suffer like this.

_"She... she hasn't stopped staring at me since a while ago." commented a guard, young, probably a new recruit, very uncomfortable and holding a position not far from the containment circle.

Indeed, Ahmanet never took her eyes off him, looking at him with harshness, even contempt, as if she read him like an open book and judged him.

_"Looks like she's got a crush on you. Lucky guy." quipped another, more experienced guard, amused by the situation but also not depriving himself of ogling the silhouette of the princess. "She may be a dirty monster, but I admit that she has a dream body."

_"I don't find it funny." replied the new recruit, uneasily. "I...I don't feel well, I..."

A terrible migraine began to take hold of him, to the point of making him dizzy and making him drop his weapon as he staggered. The other guard supported him in time, but worried about his comrade's health, decided to take him to the infirmary, while ordering the others to continue their work. Watching the two guards leave, Ahmanet smiled mischievously under her metal gag, rejoicing at having succeeded in causing this migraine thanks to a minimal but effective concentration of her magic on this young and weak spirit.

From one of the ventilation grilles dotting the floor of the room, Ahmanet, thanks to her piercing monster eyes, noticed the appearance of a small black spider coming out through the grille and beginning to move on the floor. An idea then crossed the princess who then focused her gaze on the spider, which, as if influenced by the aura of Ahmanet's gaze, stopped. Unable to speak with her mouth, Ahmanet insinuated her orders by mind into that of the arachnid, taking control of it and influencing it on what to do. Obeying the mummy's order, the spider moved, without being seen, towards the corner of the room where the control panels were and where several men and women in white coats worked. Seeing through the spider's eyes, Ahmanet mentally directed it to one of the men sitting in a chair who was responsible for monitoring and keeping the level of the mercury injectors stable and operational. The spider controlled by the mummy discreetly climbed the body of the unsuspecting operator and entered inside him through one ear. The man scratched himself, grimacing and smelling something, but was immediately possessed in turn, infected, his eyes rolling back and turning white. Possessed in turn, the Prodigium agent began to reduce the amount of mercury indicated on the screens, without anyone noticing.


Once back at Jekyll's office, Mathias was offered a glass of whiskey by the latter in order to calm his nerves, but the young man refused the glass, contenting himself with a contemptuous look towards the doctor, who did not not being offended, just placed the glass on the desk. Sandra Winters, or rather Agent Carson of her real name, stood back, her arms crossed but ready to intervene if Mathias tried to attack the doctor again.

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