Chapter 9 - Nothing Else Matters

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After this astral journey into the past, Mathias came out both satisfied to finally have answers, but also deeply marked by what he had witnessed. On the ancient tablet found by Jonathan's archaeologists, Ahmanet was described as a cruel, violent woman, hungry for power and who had murdered her family to obtain it and for that had not hesitated to make a pact with an evil god to get his way.

But the truth was very different. All her life, Ahmanet had been trained harshly by her father so that she would atone for the "sin" of having killed her mother when she was born, but also to supposedly prepare her to reign, when she was not only a pawn until the pharaoh to father a son. Despite her strength, her efforts and her determination to find her place and please, Ahmanet was in the eyes of men only a simple woman doomed to stay in her place and who could never reign. Her dreams, her entire life, had been shattered, and the god Set took advantage of this wound that had weakened Ahmanet in her being to manipulate her and make her his weapon to hope to incarnate in the mortal world and spread even more chaos and death.

Following the ritual, Mathias, still a little marked by this very particular experience, wanted to return to his cell, saying to want to rest there, to which Ahmanet had consented. But in reality, the young man couldn't sleep. Sitting on the old, ragged bed, lit by a simple candle on the stool, Mathias spent the next two hours thinking and writing down his feelings in his notebook that the princess had kept and given back to him. Then, after writing until very late at night, fatigue overtook Mathias who, unable to resist any longer, ended up falling deeply asleep, his notebook placed right next to him. During the night, the cell door opened with a light creak and Ahmanet entered without making any noise, to check on Mathias and seemed reassured to see him sleeping.

With a light step, she approached and sat on the bed, without waking Mathias. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, it made her smile softly. Then, as she was about to retire to leave him alone, she noticed the notebook, open to the page where he had apparently written something. Curious, Ahmanet decided to take a look and took the notebook in hand, taking care not to wake the young man.

Today I had without a doubt the most incredible experience of my entire life. I was able to witness the past, and for a history buff like me, it is a consecration. However, despite my excitement, I also cannot prevent my frustration from expressing itself. Not frustration with someone, but rather for someone. I was able to see what Princess Ahmanet suffered during her life and she is much more complex than what we were led to believe.

They not only wanted to erase her from history, but as a precaution, to make her pass for what she was not. A murderer, a madwoman, a monster, that's how they described her. What I saw was a woman, of royal blood, born with exceptional strength and spirit, who had everything to become a great sovereign, but who in a world and an era dominated by overwhelming masculinity and demeaning, had no place. Ahmanet only wanted what all humans want deep down: recognition and love, to show that we can be capable and worthy. To be seen for who she is, that's what she wanted. But it was this rejection of everyone, this lack of consideration, which led her to hatred and pushed her into darkness. Despite what she did, I feel really sorry for her, honestly. She kidnapped me, for reasons I still don't know, but ultimately didn't show cruelty towards me. On the contrary, she seems to care about me, even if she tested me at first. As for me, well, I admit that I am not indifferent to her beauty and her charm. There's still humanity in her, I'm sure of it. I would like to help her, but I don't know how.

Once the text was read, Ahmanet remained silent, but deep in her black and monstrous heart, a small spark was revived, and she felt it. She was touched by what Mathias had written about her. He believed in her, didn't see her as the merciless and destructive monster that Set had created, and also, he found her... beautiful and charming? Ahmanet remained confused about this, but felt, for the first time in millennia, her heart beating a little faster, and above all, a little pleasant warmth in her heart. Never before had anyone shown her so much kindness and consideration. Ahmanet smiled, touched, holding the notebook carefully which she closed and placed next to Mathias. She then leaned towards him, and while taking care not to wake him, placed a short kiss on his forehead.

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