Chapter 14 - The Escape

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The general alarm had gone off in the Prodigium complex, putting all personnel on high alert. The dangerous non-human specimen Ahmanet had escaped from confinement. In addition, the other alert of the containment of Doctor Jekyll's office, being activated only in the event of a "crisis" of the doctor, had only accentuated the already great feeling of worry.

Agent Carson had rushed to the armory section of the complex, accompanied by the men and women constituting the elite intervention teams, who began to equip and arm themselves very quickly.

_"This time, no more hesitation." Carson ordered them, cocking her gun. "You have the order to shoot to kill."


The pressure inflicted on his ribs had been so strong that Mathias was still in pain, having trouble breathing, dizzy and struggling to stand, having to lean on the desk to keep from falling. He stood back, worried about the monster fight that was about to begin right before his eyes.

Ahmanet had picked up Set's black dagger, holding it in a firm hand. Her gaze full of hatred, she faced Doctor Jekyll, totally possessed by his second, fundamentally evil personality, Mr. Hyde. This one, more psychopathic than ever, living only to spread pain and violence, smiled and sneered in an unhealthy way at the idea of the confrontation which was going to ensue. Stepping back to the broken wall window where all his surgical instruments were normally stored, Mr. Hyde picked up a surgical knife right at his feet, licking the blade with his unhealthy tongue and his eye glinting with cruelty at the mere thought to use it. Both now armed, the two monsters continued to face each other, separated by only a few meters of distance. Mathias watched with great anxiety for Ahmanet as the tension was heavy and praying for her to win.

_"It's time to see if you have guts, pretty princess." Mr. Hyde growled sadistically.

Ahmanet didn't respond, containing a monstrous growl and striding forward towards the possessed doctor. The duel began.

She tried to deliver a side dagger blow but Hyde dodged and responded with an elbow blow to Ahmanet's shoulder who was pushed to the side without falling and feeling nothing. Laughing at his too-easy dodge, Hyde tried to kick but Ahmanet grabbed his leg, then his collar, and threw him back. Flying across the room, Hyde's back hit hard against the wall not far from the front door. Ahmanet jumped towards him, not giving him any respite and grabbing him by the neck, began to knock him against the different blocks of glass containing various artifacts, the windows exploding into pieces with each impact. Half stunned, his face covered with cuts, Hyde fell to his knees in front of Ahmanet, but showed no pain. On the contrary, he smiled a bloody smile and looked at her defiantly.

_"I love strong women. It's hot!" he commented, in a perverse voice.

Ahmanet raised an eyebrow in outrage, but was taken by surprise by Hyde who like a wrestler making a hold quickly closed his arms around her waist, lifting her up and throwing her violently to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the possessed doctor, in a psychotic laugh, repeatedly struck the blade of his knife into Ahmanet's flanks, but no drop of blood flowed and Ahmanet expressed no pain, but rather anger and struggled, managing to push Hyde back with a kick to the stomach. Retrieving Set's dagger from the ground, Ahmanet quickly got up, just like Hyde who was waiting for her.

_ "Is that all you have? Come on, I'm sure you can do much better than that!" asked Mr. Hyde, taunting her.

Ahmanet still says nothing, refusing to answer this cursed demon. At the doctor's desk, Mathias continued to look worriedly, seeing the terrifying look Ahmanet showed. A look full of hatred and violence. He clearly saw that her part of darkness generated by Set was beginning to take over and this worried him even more, fearing that she would shift irreversibly. He had to do something, but what? He was only a simple human and therefore had no chance of stopping this fight by interposing himself between these two beings, he would be killed for sure. And this monstrous dagger, gifted by Set himself. Mathias had a presentiment and noticed that since Ahmanet had it in her hand, her aggressiveness and violence had only increased, as if an absolute darkness emanated from the weapon and had an influence on its bearer.

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