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Daya peeked into the kitchen where Bosco had been checking off some of the categories on her whiteboard, feeling a little nervous. Even though they had just gotten back home from their little museum date.

"Boscy?" Daya said softly, making the other girl's eyes widen and her face blush. "Do you wanna maybe do something with me?"

Bosco turned to look at her with a tilted head, still blushing from the new pet name. "W-What is it?"

Daya hesitated for a moment. "Do you wanna uh...come take a bath with me?" Her voice got quieter towards the end. She was afraid it sounded too intimate. Even though they had been intimate.

Bosco wasn't expecting that to be the question. She thought about it for a moment. It wasn't like Daya hadn't seen her body before. And she liked being close to her. It was the act of it that seemed a lot different.

She nodded a little, giving her a small smile. "That'd be sweet." She said, watching as Daya beamed.

"Okay- cool-" Daya almost stumbled over her words, rushing down the hall to go get everything ready. Bosco couldn't help but giggle as she watched her, checking off that she went outside on her list.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket not even a minute later, lighting up with Camden's name. Bosco pulled it out and glanced down the hall to make sure Daya was distracted before she answered.

"So how was the date?" Camden asked immediately, her tone playful and making Bosco blush again.

She took a seat on the couch, just the thought of how happy Daya had been making her smile again. "It was nice. I like listening to her talk about her favorite subject."

"So I'm guessing she enjoyed herself?" Camden asked.

"She loved it. She got to take home some if these small fossils she found and she thought it was the coolest thing." Bosco felt her heart flutter just at the thought of how excited Daya had been for everything. "She's just...she deserves everything good in the world."

"Never thought I'd hear you talk about anyone that way." Camden said, her smile evident through her tone. "She seems like a good one. You should keep her."

"That's what I plan on doing." Bosco said, glancing towards the hallway when she heard the water start in the bathroom. "She's...She's just so special."

"Exactly why you should keep her. I think you need her." Camden told her. She could notice the slight change in Bosco since the two had officially become a thing. She didn't want her to lose that spark she had found.

"Boscy?" Daya came back to the living room, tapping her fingers together shyly. "The bath's almost ready."

Bosco's face went red, and Camden laughed on the other end of the phone when she had heard Daya's voice. "Cute. I won't disturb you anymore, go have fun."

Bosco huffed when Camden hung up, making Daya tilt her head as she watched the smaller girl. "Did I interrupt?"

"No, not at all." Bosco placed her phone down and stood up, finding Daya holding her hand out for her. "I think you saved me from Camden asking any weird questions."

Daya smiled a little, squeezing Bosco's hand when it was placed in hers. "Good. Now come with me."

Bosco let her guide her down the hall to the bathroom, finding a tub full of growing bubbles when she stepped inside. Daya only let go of her hand to start taking all her piercings out, dropping them onto the little tray beside the sink.

The smaller girl watched her, taking a moment to admire her features. Daya was perfect. From her lips, to her eyes, to even her nose. Bosco slowly leaned her head over her shoulder, shyly wrapping her arms around her waist and pressing a soft kiss to her jaw.

Written in the Stars (Dayasco)Where stories live. Discover now