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"I made you breakfast." Bosco was greeted by Daya's happy voice when she emerged out of her bedroom on Monday morning. She rubbed her eyes, looking up to find that Daya had indeed made her breakfast and was busy washing the dishes.

They hadn't been able to spend a ton of time together for the last bit of their weekend. They both worked and they both had things they had to study for, but Daya had made herself comfortable in the apartment and around Bosco. The other girl was still trying to actually let her in a little more though.

"You...You didn't have to do that." Bosco said, slowly sitting down at the small table and watching as Daya slid a pancake stacked plate over to her.

"But I wanted to." Daya smiled, gazing at her with an expression that Bosco couldn't quite read. "And it'd be rude for me to make something for myself and not for you."

Bosco could burst into tears. But she held it back, managing a quiet thank you. She watched as Daya turned back around, glancing down at the plate when she did. She grabbed her phone from her pocket, finding a text from Camden.

Camden: How's Daya been so far?

Bosco glanced up at her, finding her humming quietly as she finished the dishes. She quickly texted Camden back.

Bosco: She made me breakfast

Camden: So when are you marrying her?

Bosco huffed quietly, a small blush spreading across her face. As she replied, Daya slid a dry erase marker over the table to her.

Bosco put her phone down to see it, hesitantly looking up at Daya. The taller girl shyly motioned back towards the fridge, where Bosco's tasks were waiting to be checked off.

"I thought I could help." She explained a little nervously. "Since I saw you didn't check any off the last couple of days."

Bosco really didn't think she'd pay much attention to that, but she should've known she had seen it. Considering there was a dinosaur magnet on the fridge now. "O-Oh, yeah. Thank you..."

"Of course." Daya smiled, turning to leave her alone to get ready for her own classes that morning. Bosco watched her go, trying to shake the strange feeling that wouldn't leave her alone. Camden had cooked for her before and did her best to help her keep up with the chart, but it felt different with Daya doing it. She wasn't used to other people showing her this kind of care.

When she finished eating, she checked that off of the task list and eyed the other things she still had to do. She sighed, not wanting Daya to see her skip any. So she was going to do her best to complete them. Or at least most of them.

"I can drive you if you want me to." Daya said from the bathroom as Bosco passed by on her way to her bedroom. The smaller girl looked over, breath hitching as she watched Daya place her piercings in their places.

She tried not to stare too fondly. "You don't have to do that." She told her, biting her lip as Daya finished her face.

"It's cloudy again. I don't want you to get rained on." Daya said, running a hand through her hair before facing her.

Bosco didn't understand why all of a sudden it was hard to breathe. She didn't want to be awkward, but she also didn't want to be rained on. And she kinda did secretly like being a little closer to Daya. So she found herself nodding. "Only if it's not a problem."

"Of course it's not." Daya smiled, heading to her own room to finish getting ready. Bosco couldn't help but let her gaze follow.

She didn't have to be worried about being awkward during the short drive. Daya rambled about one of her classes for most of it. Bosco didn't mind, she liked hearing about other people's interests, even though it was usually only Camden she'd listen to or maybe Rosé sometimes. But as Daya talked and drove, Bosco found her eyes drifting over to her.

Written in the Stars (Dayasco)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora