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Daya came back home the next day to an empty apartment. It was the same way she had left it, just with no Bosco this time. She let out a shaky sigh, carrying the package that had been delivered and setting it down on the table where the other girl would hopefully see it.

But it didn't really feel like enough. So she left a note and wrote out how sorry she was and stuck a dinosaur sticker onto it. The stickers usually made her smile. It didn't seem to work today.

She retreated to her room, having a small spark of hope that Bosco would be in hers. But she wasn't. The projector that usually gave off its blue light was off and the door was open, as if she had been in too much of a rush to remember to close it. Daya couldn't bring herself to look at the telescope.

She placed her bag down onto her bed. She hated making anyone mad, but it especially hurt that she had made Bosco mad. She truly felt like she had ruined any sort of bond she could've created with her. All progress she had made had been lost in a second.

It didn't help that she could still hear Bosco raising her voice at her. That was something that terrified Daya. She never meant to make anyone that angry. She was always so careful to never make anyone angry. It reminded her too much of how things used to be. How she'd be shouted at and harassed for being different.

But for some reason this hurt more. All because she let herself fall for her roommate.

Daya felt more tears forming in her eyes. She sat at her desk, trying to distract herself with the research paper she still had to complete. Usually being able to write about things like fossils helped distract her, but not this time. This time she was scared that Bosco might not come home.

But she did. About an hour later, Bosco nervously stepped inside the apartment. She hadn't worked up the courage to text Daya that morning, but Camden had practically begged her to attempt to show some sort of affection towards her. Bosco wasn't exactly sure how to do that.

She hung her keys up on the hook in the kitchen, the package on the table catching her eye. She walked over to it, her heart sinking when she saw the note with the words "I'm sorry" written on it along with the dinosaur sticker. She had a feeling she knew what it was.

And she was right. When she opened the box, she found the piece she needed for her telescope. She bit her lip, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want Daya to feel like she had to replace it for her. She didn't mean to make her so upset and scared.

She couldn't just ignore her now. It wouldn't be right. She walked down the hall to their rooms, stopping in Daya's doorway to find her sitting at her desk with her back to her. She sniffled quietly, and that made Bosco's heart sink even more.

Bosco wished showing affection came easy to her like it seemed to for Camden. She had no idea how to do this, deciding she just had to go for it. She hesitated for a moment before stepping into the room, walking up behind Daya.

Trying not to think too hard about it, Bosco wrapped her arms around her from behind, slowly and shyly resting her head on top of hers. Daya went stiff in her hold, her eyes widening.

Bosco took a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry..." She whispered, breaking the heavy silence. "I'm so sorry I snapped at you. I'm so sorry I raised my voice and I'm so sorry I scared you. I never meant to hurt you and I never meant to make you feel bad..." Her voice cracked the more she spoke. "It was an accident, you didn't do anything wrong, and I'm so fucking sorry for making you feel like you did."

Daya was quiet, not knowing how to respond, she slowly looked up at Bosco with tears in her eyes, but didn't dare break away from her arms.

"I never meant to hurt you..." Bosco repeated. "Y-You're one of the sweetest people I've ever met. You might be the sweetest person on the planet. I'd never purposefully upset you or scare you."

Written in the Stars (Dayasco)Where stories live. Discover now