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Daya watched intently as Bosco screwed the new part onto the telescope, still a little nervous about being in her room. She didn't want to mess up again. And she really didn't want to be yelled at again. So she kept her hands to herself.

Bosco noticed she was a little quiet as she lifted her telescope back into place. "Are you okay?" She asked her. "You've gotten a bit quiet."

Daya nodded, pulling herself up from where she had been sitting. "I'm okay." She answered. "I just um...I don't want to mess anything up."

Bosco frowned, feeling bad again. "You won't mess anything up. And it was an accident, you didn't do anything wrong."

"No matter what you say, I will still know I did something wrong." Daya admitted, keeping her arms around herself. She was scared of bumping into something and knocking it over. Bosco may not be mad at her anymore, but she still didn't want to repeat that mistake.

Bosco shook her head, reaching out for one of her hands. "It was an accident, Daya." She repeated. "You don't need to worry about it anymore."

Daya slowly took her hand. She'd be dumb to turn down the chance to hold it. She traced her thumb over the lines of Bosco's tattoos before meeting her eyes. "...I don't like being yelled at." She whispered, hoping she wouldn't regret saying that out loud.

Bosco bit her lip, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Come here..." She said softly, guiding her over to her bed. She sat on the end of it, motioning for Daya to sit beside her.

Daya hesitantly took a seat, keeping hold of Bosco's hand. The other girl moved closer to her, shyly reaching up to tuck a strand of Daya's hair behind her ear. "I'm so sorry." She said. "I should've never yelled at you. I know it's scary, and I know I'll never do it again."

Daya kept her eyes focused on their hands. "...Do you promise?" She asked quietly, her mind starting to wander.

Bosco pressed a gentle kiss to the girl's cheek, squeezing her hand again. "I promise."

Daya stayed quiet, and Bosco really didn't like when she was quiet. Not when she was usually so happy and talkative. "Are you okay?" She couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. "Do you need anything? More kisses?"

Daya slowly leaned against her shoulder. "More kisses are nice." She finally said. "When they're yours."

"That's a very cute thing to say, but are you okay?" Bosco asked again, giving her the softest peck on her forehead.

Daya sighed, reaching for Bosco's other hand so she could hold both of them. "...I used to get yelled at a lot." She said, focusing on tracing Bosco's tattoos. "Like, a whole lot. By my parents and by people at school. Because they thought I was different, even though I tried so hard to be good..."

Bosco froze, feeling guilty again. "O-Oh..."

"I don't know why they'd get so angry at me. I mean, I guess I do. But I don't understand it." Daya clung harder to Bosco's hands. "I rambled a lot. And didn't understand social cues very well. And got confused easily when it came to things I didn't really care for. So maybe I deserved it, but I still didn't like it."

Bosco shook her head. "No, you didn't deserve it. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Sometimes I think I did." Daya said, keeping her head against Bosco's shoulder and starting to lace her fingers with hers. Bosco didn't stop her. She didn't want to, and she felt like she needed the gentle touch right now.

"I don't think you did." Bosco said, leaning back to allow her to rest her head on her chest. She pulled one hand away from her, gently stroking her fingers through Daya's hair. She watched as her eyes closed and her body started to relax.

Written in the Stars (Dayasco)Where stories live. Discover now