Chapter 8: The Omegas

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Ignore all mistakes please 😊🙏


"So, are you taking days off from work?" Jieun smiled at Taehyung, her arm hooked around his as they walked along the lake near the mansion.

Taehyung had been instructed to show Jieun around in the hopes of getting closer to her. They walked through the plains, taking in the serene surroundings as they strolled along.Taehyung knew he was being rude by not talking much, and he appreciated Jieun's efforts to engage in conversation, even though it felt awkward for him.

"Yeah," he replied, trying to be more responsive. "You want to be in the art business too?" he asked careful not to sound dismissive. After all, Jieun was just as much a victim of their circumstances as he was.

She nodded "Yes! But I'm not as talented as you. You have achieved so much at such a young age... I'm genuinely impressed by your profile. A real prodigy, if I may say so!" She said admiringly.

Taehyung smiled warmly at Jieun. She was, by far, the best omega he had ever met...intelligent, talented, and genuinely kind. And he knew if the circumstances were different they would have liked each other but not now!!...not when he knew his true destiny awaited him nearby. "It's not a big gallery, so it's no wonder!" Taehyung replied modestly

Jieun shrugged "But still... I've read about you and the gallery. You curated some excellent shows. That last "Activism in art" show was exceptional... I never knew so many hidden talents existed in this world" Jieun remarked, remembering details from her research she done on him while her father suggested this proposal

Tae smiled at her again "Thank you " he expressed his gratitude . They continued chatting about work and art for a while before deciding to head back home to rest.

As they walked back slowly, Tae noticed Jungkook and Yoongi in his mansion's garden, walking hand in hand and engrossed in conversation with Jimin. Jimin appeared particularly flustered as they spoke while Yoongi remained as usual, clinging to the alpha's arm and walking slightly behind. Tae could feel his alpha instincts urging him to intervene, to reclaim his omega but he knew he had to control his actions, at least for the time being, to avoid escalating any potential political conflict.

"So, your brother..." Taehyung started suddenly,his voice trailing off.

"Hmm?" Jieun raised her eyebrows, asking him to continue.

"Is he a good person... I mean, he's good to people, to family, his omega... I don't really have any idea how monarchy works, but I know being the pack alpha itself is traumatizing, so..." Taehyung's words stumbled out as he tried to save the conversation with out raising any suspicion.

Jieun nodded and smiled. "Oh, yeah !! He is the best.Poor thing never got to enjoy his childhood or his youth because of the whole future king stuff, but I'm now glad that he has Yoongi. He seems to look a lot happier these days."she admitted

"Oh!!" Tae's face momentarily dropped, a flicker of sadness crossing his features before he quickly composed himself, but it didn't go unnoticed by the omega.

"And Yoongi..he seems shy..." Taehyung asked suddenly, as his curiosity piqued

Ji eun nodded "Oh, he... he is!!" she affirmed with a hint of surprise in her tone at Taehyung's directness in discussing his brother's omega. "Very reserved and introverted. He's always been that way... not much of a talker. He was kim dof shocked about the whole marriage thing but he has opened up more to Kookie lately, I think. I see him smiling a lot these days..and god his smiles? Absolutely infectious...He has the most beautiful smile!" she added with a fond smile of her own.

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