Brooke's Turning Point

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S:2 E:3

Last week was a winning week. I hope this one is too

We were on our way to the studio

"So, how do you think your duet did, Maci" Mom asked

"I think it did pretty good" I say

I really did

"I think you found a new duet partner" Mom says

I bit my lip

I don't wanna replace Nia but at the same time, I think it's for the best

"Yea, me too" I fake smile

We go to the studio

We get in the dancers den

I run and hug Nia

"Girls, come on! Let's go!" Abby says

" Let's have a big round of applause" Abby says

We all start clapping

" I think we made applesauce, don't you?" Abby says

"Yea" I laugh

"Now, the group one. they won the overall but you know what? That was one competition. For this week, we are going to Starbound, in New Jersey. When we walk in Starbound, you need to be those national champions. All right" Abby says

We all nod

Abby starts doing the pyramid


"On the bottom.. Nia" Abby reveals Nia's headshot

" Simply because of the mistake in the choreography"

"And that dance is easy. it's simple"

"Next, I have...Kendall. Yes she may won the duet but, you need to learn to read music, and you need to learn to hear the music" Abby says to Kendall

Jill makes a face

I'm surprised

"I'm going to keep her on probation. Until I hand her that jacket, she's still proving herself"

"Paige, I've seen you do the press better. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, I thought you did a nice job"

"Next... Mackenzie. This week, you are not in the group. You are going to do a solo. All right"

I smile for Kenz

"Next, I have.. Maddie" Abby reveals Maddie's headshot

Wow, that's a surprise

"You were the highest scoring number in the entire competition why do you think you're not on the top?" Abby asks Maddie

"I want you to stop resting on your laurels. I want you to keep improving for the next 20 years. Not for one competition. Do you understand?"

Maddie nods

"You impressed them. I want you to impress me" Abby says

"Next.. I have Chloe.Chloe, you didn't have a solo last week and you were in the group. People were recognizing you from the video, but I want them to recognize you for your dancing. Understood" Abby says

"Next Maci, you won and you look amazing in the duet and the group dance. But I'm gonna push a little harder" Abby reveals my headshot

I nod

" And on top of the pyramid this week.. is Brooke"

" You went out there, you proved yourself. I mean, you went from worst to best. In one week" Abby praises Brooke

Maci Ziegler Where stories live. Discover now