There's Only One Star

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Where back in LA and I'm so excited

And moms back

"Ready, girls? Let's go" Miss Abby say

We walk in the studio

"Come on in"

"Well, you thought you were going home after Lake Tahoe, and here we are back in LA. I have a big surprise, it's very exciting, before I get into that. You notice there's no pyramid, yes?"

We were all in a straight line

"Everybody's in a straight line 'Cause here in LA, it's not really about the talent it's about the look" Miss Abby says

"I'm ready to talk a little bit about the surprise. This s LA the best people in the world come here. They're all vying for the same job everybody wants to be a star" Miss Abby says

Can she tell us the surprise

"You are going to get the opportunity to audition for a major music video" Miss Abby says

I squealed

For real?

"I don't know who's going to get it, I don't know if all of you are just some of you. It's not up to me. I don't make the decisions, so it's every man for himself" Miss Abby says

"Tomorrow, instead of a rehearsal, we will be having a class. I'm going to teach you a hip-hop combination since that audition is going to be in hip-hop" Miss Abby says

Most of the girls groaned but I smiled

I love hip hop

"This is Hollywood. They can chew you up and spit you out, or they can make all your dreams come true, it just depends. You have to be in the right place at the right time and you have to be prepared for the worst" Miss Abby says

We all nod



Now we're doing the hip hop thing

"Okay. Come on, back it up" Miss Abby says

"I have no idea how this is going to go down tomorrow, it could be a hip-hop combination just to see how quickly you pick up, because I would say hip-hop is the most difficult of choreography to get" Miss Abby says

Miss Abby then starts teaching us the hip-hop combination

And hit, hit it, hit it, hit. Stroll, two, three, fourth roll, plié" Miss Abby demonstrates

It was hilarious

We keep learning

And the moms were walking in

"Girls, you need to be stronger. Emphasize each move it needs to be bigger. That girl standing next to you at that audition could have already done 20 videos. They know who she is" Miss Abby says

Miss Abby just keep making me nervous

She made Me, Maddie, and Kenz go and do the dance

Then everyone else

| The next day|

"Come on, girls" Miss Abby says

We are walking to the audition in Hollywood

"Look, the dance studios right there". See the letters, I.D.A. You can see it" Miss Abby points at the studio

"Come on, hustle up" Miss Abby says

We go in the studio and it is packed

"As you all know, MSA represents the top dancers and choreographers in the business. What we're doing here today is looking for our next generation of stars. So with that please have fun, and I look forward to seeing you in the room" The agent says

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