Everyone's Replaceable

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I'm so excited for this season and also I just finished Mani season one

"Girls time to go" Mom says

"Oh my gosh" Maddie groaned

I huffed and got out of bed

After we got dressed We went down for breakfast

"So are you girls ready for this season" Mom says

"Yes, now that I know I'm on the elite team and also one of the girls names on the show is Paige" I smile

"I'm excited" Maddie says

"What about you Kenz" Mom says

"Yea" Mackenzie says playing with her breakfast

"Ok let's hit the road" Mom says and we make our way to the studio


"Come on, girls! Let's go" Abby yells

"Moms, girls, get in here"

"Let's go! Hello, ladies" Abby says

"How's it going?" Abby asks

"Good" We say

"Where's Holly?" Abby asks

"Nia, where's your mother?"

"She's at work" Nia says

"Not gonna happen" Miss Abby says

I raise my eyebrows

"Yes, she needs to leave work leave the job, forget it, and be here with you. That's what's important, yes?" Miss Abby says

Already starting on the wrong foot

"You want this. I know you want it. I know you it. She has to love it for you"

"Now, first of all you're national champions, it was a great competition at starbound in Lake Tahoe. That's something to be very proud of. The we got to L.A., we did a video. Then Maci just got through filming a season of her show" Abby says

I smile

"People know who you are now from watching that video and Maci they know who you are from your show. But you're a target. When you walk in, it's gonna be all about beating the Abby Lee Dance Company. Brand new season for the Abby Lee Dance Company" Abby says

" we all Know that Cathy's not here because Cathy wasn't a team player. Where did that get Vivi-Anne?"

"Nowhere" Abby says

"Im gonna have an open audition; a casting call for a new dancer for the Abby Lee Dance Company" Abby says

A new dancer

"Tell everybody you know that we're looking for a new girl for this group. Maybe two new girls. Everyone's replaceable, you next?" Abby says

I bit my lip

I hope Abby doesn't replace me or anyone

| pyramid |

"First, Mackenzie. You can't sit on the couch and eat chips" Abby says

Mackenzie said that quote on the show and it kinda went viral

"You're not six and under You're seven and over, and I expect the same thing from you as Maddie did when she was seven" Abby says

"Next, Brooke" Abby says revealing her headshot

"Brooke, why are you on the bottle of this pyramid, you had a great season, but then you took a break" Abby says

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