011𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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You were on your way to the fight club, alone to watch Joker's fight tonight. Seeing that it's the bouncer you're familiar with tonight made you feel at ease.

He recognised you and allowed you to head in without an ID. You could hear people chanting Joker's name the moment you step foot into the club.

You saw him getting ready for his fight. You then got closer to him and called out his name.

He looked around, trying to find the person who called out his name. When he realised it was you, his gaze softened.

"I didn't know you'd be here." He said while looking down at you.

"Suprise?.. Wooin told me that you'd be fighting, sooo I decided to come down and support you."

Joker wanted to say something, but he got called into the ring. You stood near the bar area to avoid the crowd and watched him fight from there.

Just as Joker landed the final punch, making his opponent fall to the ground, you felt someone wrap their arms around your shoulder.

You could've sworn you were ready to punch that guy's face, but when you turned around, you saw Wooin with three members from the zephyrus crew.

"Huh? if it isn't the iconic doper, TJ Kim." You said with a smirk on your face.

You knew Wooin was the reason why he got tested positive, but you just wanted to get a reaction out of him.

"I DID NOT DOPE! I'm telling you, your friend here did it to me!" He said with an angry look on his face.

"Oh yeah? Or are you just too embarrassed to admit you doped?"

TJ got pissed and just as he was about to shout again, you just stuck your tongue out at him in a childish manner, with your tongue piercing showing.

"BUT I DIDN'T!-" He then got cut off by Wooin.

"Why did you come and find me again?"

"I came to ask why you did it to me?"

Wooin looked at him without a single emotion.

"Did what?"

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DRUG ME YOU FUCKER?!" He shouted while grabbing Wooin's collar, creating a scene.

You watched as all of this go down with a amused look on your face.

Almost everyone in the crowd turned towards TJ and Wooin to see what's the commotion about.

Wooin looked back at the crowd and made up a lie on the spot: "Oh, he's just begging me to let him on stage."

TJ and Joker fight? This is definitely interesting to you.

You sat on one of the bar stool and watched TJ defending himself, and making up lame excuses before leaving the club.

"Damn, what a fucking pussy.." You said to Wooin and sighed as he just laughed at your comment.

"This is boring.. I'm gonna leave, help me tell Joker that he did good tonight." You said before getting off the stool and leaving the club.

You went home that night, with Mr whiskers greeted you by the door, meowing and bumping his head against your legs.

You carried him and brought him to your bedroom, you placed him down and closed the door before going to the living room.

Hearing the meows and scratches coming from Mr whiskers made you feel bad but you didn't want him to be a passive smoker.

You sat on the couch and took out your cigarette before lighting it, you then turned on the TV to entertain yourself.

After finishing your stick, you waited a few minutes before letting Mr whiskers out. You felt ssooo guilty and picked him up to cuddle with him on the couch.

"I'm sorry baby, I won't do that again.."

The next morning you woke up on the couch and realised your cat wasn't in your arms anymore. You looked around and saw him eating out of his food dispenser.

You groaned and sat up to look at your phone to see unread messages.

Group chat no.3

@[Y/N] bring your bmx and meet us tomorrow.

11:36 am.
Huhhhh why? I'm too lazy. I didn't even go to school tdy.  lololol

Wooin wants to show us a new stunt, just do it. it will be worth it
I think..

It took you exactly three minutes to think about it.. Should you go or not? You ended up showering and got ready to meet them.

You took your bmx and went out of your house, towards the location they sent you. You ended up at a building and starting making your way up to the rooftop.

Everyone's heads looked at the door when you busted it open.

"Oops.. Sorry, the door was jammed." You said awkwardly.

You also realised that there were some people you've met before maybe once or twice from Wooin.

Wooin then got a phone call by someone. You walked closer to them, and when he saw you next to him, he immediately tossed his phone at you.

"Ugh, so noisy. Take this for me, will you?"

You catched it just it time before it fell and saw the caller ID; "Sangho Choi"

Not knowing what to do, you just put the phone down and looked at Wooin.

"What the hell was that about?"

"Apparently, that TJ kid had a recording of me talking about the dope or something.."

Hyuk then groaned in annoyance.

"How long do we have to be his errand boys?"

"You're all errand boys now? Yikes.. sucks to be you!"

Wooin then used his kicked his feet off the ground to get his wheels to move and bunny hopped of the rooftop and towards the other.

You watched as he did this and went to the edge to see him land.

"Pshhh show off.."


That day, you didn't even get the chance to ride your own bike, but others did. There were a few people who actually used it while you just sat aside and watched.

They even used it till the handle bar broke.. You wanted to get it fixed, but you were honestly too lazy to do so.

Maybe you'd get it fixed tomorrow..

If you feel like it.

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐦. || Sabbath crew , WindbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now