004𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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- "I'm her boyfriend."

You and Shelly turned to Vinny in shock before playing along by nodding your heads.

"Oh yeah? And are you blind in one eye? What's up with your eye?" The other idiot asked.

"Sorry, one of my eye is fucking messed up." Vinny smirked before landing a kick on the guy.

It seemed like Vinny caused a commotion, causing others to crowd around. That's when Dom and Minu realised it was Vinny causing the commotion. They immediately rushed over and asking Vinny what just happened.

"Damnit, that fucking jerk hit me first. Why are you stopping me?!" The guy yelled while getting held back.

"Geez, stop whining. You started it and continued even after we told you to stop." You said in an annoyed tone.

The staff members approached them telling them to stop fighting or else they'd be disqualified from the race.


"It's not fractured, I think the tendon have just been stretched a bit. Just don't apply to much pressure on your wrist for awhile." One of the staff members said while applying band aid on Vinny's wrist.

"Shouldn't you rest today? Will you be able to race today?" Minu asked Vinny, concerned about him.

"Look who's talking, don't worry about me."

"Hm, fine.. Well then like we said before, Shelly will start off the race, she'll then pass the flag to [Y/N] while me and Shelly distract the first rider."

"Dom will ride on the straight away, and June will handle the uphill part since roads are most suitable for uphill."

"And Vinny, you'll finish the last part of the course that has a lot of cornering, okay?"
June repeated the plan to you guys.

What a great IGL.

You guys then heard the speaker asking the next team which is you guys to get ready for the race.

Everyone made their way to their positions, they were walking ahead of you as you walked behind with Vinny.

"Wanna talked about what happened just now? I'm suddenly your "girlfriend" huhh?" You asked him with a smirk on your face.

"I was just trying to protect you, don't make a bit deal out of it." He said while avoiding eye contact.

You chuckled at his excuse and decided to keep teasing him about it. "Okayyy suree, whatever you say. If you have a crush on me you could just say so yknow?"

"I do not! So drop it." He said with a blush on his face.

"You act like a tsundere sometimes."


You were in the middle of the road, day dreaming, again. Thinking about what Vinny did just now, was it really just to "protect me"? or was he indirectly hinting that he wants to be my boyfriend..?

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Minu and Shelly's voice calling out for you.

"[Y/N]! hurry, get the flag to June!"

Shelly cycled towards you quickly and passed you the flag, you took it off her hands and immediately pedalled off.

You could feel the other guy catching up towards you but you couldn't care less, you weren't even trying and you were already faster than him. You accelerated a little when you saw June not far away from you.

"June!" You called out for him while reaching your hand out along with the flag before handing it to him, he then got it off your hands and went uphill.

"Too easy, this race should be harder. I'm getting bored." You said to yourself while stretching your arms.

You went back to the crowd to watch the rest of the race through the big screen with Shelly, June and Minu.

You watched as Vinny fell of his bike due to losing balance; a gasp left your mouth as you started to get worried for him, but then you saw Jay appear out of nowhere, grabbing the flag.

Jay immediately fell off his bike, landing on the ground, right after crossing the finish line. You all rushed towards him to check on him only to find out that he was... Sleeping.

Minu then carried him and placed him on a bench, letting him rest. "Would Jay wake up if I kiss him like snow white?" Shelly asked while tucking her hair behind her ear before puckering her lips.

Jay then hid his lips in his sleep before turning away. "His eunuch dna activates even while he's asleep. God must have only created him with the power of riding and eunuch." You chuckled at the sight before looking towards Vinny who was walking towards you and the rest.

"Is your wrist really okay? do you not need to go to the hospital?" Minu asked in a concerned voice.

All the did was reply in a dry "Yeah" before walking away. You tried calling out to him but he completely ignored you.

You wanted to run after him but you heard Mr Nam calling everyone back to school to take the exams instead..

Now youu were in class, sitting on the first row while Shelly was behind, followed by Dom and Minu.

You didn't have a hard time on the exams and could answer the questions easily, but you could definitely hear the two guys behind you suffering while doing the exams.

In the middle of the exam, you heard the back door open. You turned around and saw Jay standing there, he stared at you all before saying;

"Goodluck on the exam." He tried to leave but the teacher ended up walking towards him, fangirling over him while Dom and Minu tried to cheat.

You finally finished the exam and got up to leave, you picked up your bag and handed the papers to the teacher before walking towards the door.

You took one last look at the three and saw them giving you the sad look, hoping you'd help them. You simply shrugged and stuck your tongue out before leaving the school.

You got home and saw Mr whiskers sleeping infront of the door, poor baby.. He probably got tired waiting for you. You picked him up and placed him on your bed before taking a shower and getting ready for bed.


"Wahh Mia, you look so cute in this picture!" You said to her while holding up the magazine she was in.

"I'm definitely your number one fangirl now!" You winked at her, you wanted to ask her something before Minu pushed everyone aside and blocked the crowd from Mia.

"Mia, I'll block them with my back so just do whatever you want."

You chuckled at the sight before walking towards Shelly, sitting next to her.

"It's great to see Mia out of her comfort zone, I'm so happy for her." You said to Shelly while she just gave a nod.

You then heard some girls at the back of the class talking about Mia.

"It's even scarier how that little bitch always pretends to be quiet."

"Look at her getting cocky just because she was in a magazine once."

"Forget it, she just wants attention."

You turned to glare at them, they took one look at you and immediately stopped talking about Mia out of fear.

a/n; I posted a new chapter earlier than expected 💀.. anyway, I wna ask, do yall want me to add yumi and Vinny's relationship for angst or something or nahh 😭

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐦. || Sabbath crew , WindbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now