002𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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"Tomorrow's the preliminaries. Are you all ready?" The principal asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes, sir, we'll do our best tomorrow."

"We've all been training really hard."

They talked about how June was in his last year. He said he's going to manage, but Minu thinks that he'll repeat another year, which made you giggle.

"Who's that handsome read-headed boy?.. You should be in school, shouldn't you?.." Mr Nam questioned Vinny.

"He's a student from Gunn high, he's taking some time off from school to join the competition with us."

"Hm~ skipping school to join a competition..?"

"Huh?! one of your eyes?!" He walked closer to Vinny before grabbing his chin to take a closer look. "Is beautiful~ Red boy."

"AAAARGHHH" Vinny started shouting while the guys held him back. You couldn't help but burst out laughing while Vinny glared at you.


Minu was talking about how popular Vinny got in this school, which made him a little pissed. He started walking faster with his hood over his head. You caught up to him, leaving your friends behind.

"Hey, you gotta admit, whatever happened just now in the principals office was pretty hilarious, no?" You teased Vinny as you were walking down the school hallways not far from the rest of the crew

"Shut up before I murder you.."

You could hear the girls talking about how attractive he is, which made you feel a little jealous. You held his arm and looked up at him. "Yknow, it's been so long.. we should really catch up, just us.. What do you say?"

He looked down at you before he reluctantly agreed. Shelly saw you holding onto Vinny's arm and found it suspicious, but she didn't think much about it.

After school, you were leaving alone and saw Vinny waiting outside for you. You rushed to him, and you both walked towards a food place nearby.

"So, how's life?.. we haven't talked since middle school, huh?"

"Yeah, uhmm.. everything's fine, I guess."

Things got awkward between you both real fast.. "I'm guessing you still fly back to England every chance you get." He said randomly, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Mhm, I do. I mean, I have to, I don't really have a choice, so whenever I'm free, I fly back."


"[Y/N], stop daydreaming again. we're here." Vinny said while standing in front of you.

"Oh, sorry.." I looked up and grabbed his hand before pulling him into the restaurant.

"Cmon, let's eat well tonight for tomorrow's race!"


"Thanks for today walking me home. It was fun talking to you after so long." You said with a blush over your cheeks. He didn't say anything and watched you enter your apartment before leaving..

The next morning, you got ready for the preliminaries. One of Dom's men drove you and the rest of the crew towards the place where the tournament was held.

When you all got off the car with your bikes, you looked to see that there were more people than expected.

"This place sure is packed." You said excitedly

"It's finally starting! I'm feeling nervous!" Shelly said as she was stretching.

You were distracted by a butterfly until you heard Shelly said "Who are those losers?"
You turned your head and saw a blue haired guy walking towards them.

"Yo, mamushi boy, acting tough again?" Vinny asked with a smirk that made the guy start stuttering and trying to make up excuses while his friends left him.

The speakers went off talking about how the crews needed to find one representative.

You sat next to Shelly while they chose one.. Dom ended up volunteering instead.

"Hmm, I wonder why we need a representative, though.." I asked curiously while putting a finger on my lip

"Ohhh, maybe they wanna make you sign something, I'm sure it's not that bad."

Oh boy, were you wrong.


The first day of the tournament was a roller coaster for sure. Dom won, Jay won.. but at what cost?..

That night, you were about to go to bed, You were already lying down with Mr whiskers sleeping by your pillows until you saw Minu's text pop up on your phone.

He was talking about how it was Jay's birthday tomorrow, We all talked about how we were going to surprise Jay after school at the club Dom works at.

You and Shelly decided to skip school for a day to get the gift and wait at the WD club until they arrived.


It was pitched black, but Yuna, Mia, and I were holding confetti poppers while Shelly held the cake.

We could hear the guys entering the club with Jay. The lights suddenly turned on, and we pulled the confetti, making it fly everywhere.


"Happy birthday, Jay!"

Jay was sitting, confused about how we found out it was his birthday until Shelly brought out the gift.

"Here! your present. We all chipped in for you. Just take it and don't feel like a burden!"

Shelly passed the gift to him as we watched him rip the wrapper, revealing a helmet.

"Well, do you like it..?"

"Shelly and [Y/N] even skipped school to prepare the present and the party. You should thank them." Minu said.

We all ended up placing stickers, decorating his helmet before we started to enjoy the party. You were dancing with Shelly, having the best time of your life until you both got tired.

"Cmon, let's get something to drink! I'm thirsty." You said. You and Shelly saw the guys holding a drink. You both walked up towards them, and Shelly snatched the cup from Dom's hand.

"Whew, I'm hot from all that dancing. Thanks for the drink." She said while she drank half of it. "Here, [Y/N], have the rest!"

You took it off her hands and finished it before handing the cup back to Dom.

"Thanks, guys!" You said before walking away with Shelly.

"Ahh.. Shelly, I feel dizzy, " you said before collapsing onto her. You immediately looked at the guys and walked up towards them while Shelly went to Jay.

"Hey, what did you put in that drink? hm...?"
You asked in a sultry voice while leaning onto Vinny's chest. "Oh, Vinny, you're warm."

Suddenly, you heard everyone gasping, You turned to see Shelly and Jay kissing. You laughed at the sight and turned back to Vinny. "When is that going to be us?.." He ended up blushing from what you said.

"Shut up, will you?.. you don't know what you're saying, you're drunk." He groaned before excusing himself to take you home.


Vinny got to your apartment and got the keys from your bag before unlocking the door. He carried you to your bedroom, placing you down gently onto your bed. He looked at you one last time before getting ready to leave. He turned to leave, but you pulled him onto the bed instead.

"Don't leave me, please..?" You begged him with those eyes. He had to go. He didn't want you to wake up sober, assuming something things happened tonight.

The next morning, you woke up with your head pounding like crazy.. "Ugh.. what time is it..?" You sat up to look at your bed and saw Vinny laying next to you, asleep.

"Vinny?! What the hell are you doing here?!" You screamed, making him jolt out of your bed.

"Don't shout at me! you practically forced me to be here."

a/n; short chapter w vinny!! :p

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