Episode 1 Only the beginning

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"Michael, Max is here!". Great, guess that means the longest summer of my life is about to start. What can be better than doing a camping trip with two 10 year olds and their grandpa.. But my mom was adament that I had to do something this summer. And a trip with family friends seems better than some kind of summer camp I quess.

I take my backpack and go downstairs. My mother, Marie, who has to work for most of the summer, gave me a hug on my way out. telling me to TRY no enjoy myself, to be helpful to Max and try to get some new friends if I could. Do not really know who that would be, but it is probably needed...

As i walk in the rustbucket, I get a hug from Max and i hug him back. "So good to see you again, feels like its been years!" He says looking at me and holding my shoulders. It had not been that long. For some reason me and my mom would always be invited for his birthdays, and he would come to my mothers birthday. I just do not understand how their friendship could have started, what can they possible have in common.

I walk further in the rustbucket seing Gwen, just sitting silently in the booth. I just sit beside her, quite relieved someone else clearly wants to be her even less than I do.

Next on the to do list was picking up Ben. or to be spesific picking him out of a tree. before we make it to the campsite.

(At the camp site) 

"Why don't you kids just find something to do while I make some food?" Max says, looking very eager to start.

"No max, I actually wanted to make dinner the first day... as a thank you... for letting me on the trip!" truthfully I just knew what a Max Tennyson meal looked like, and did not want to start the trip going hungry.

"Oh, well if you insist, but I will do it tommorrow!" he responded. Oh well, I thought. you could survive between 1-2 months without food, so if I space my meals out. It should be fine

"This chicken soup is really great Michael!" Gwen says smiling at me. Maybe she meant it, but she was probably just relieved she did not have to eat worms or something else Max considered normal food.

"could probably do with some more flavour, but other than that great!" Max said smiling at me. I am not surprised Max wanted something a bit more out there..

(Later that day)

"Who wants to roast marshmellows?" max asks. trying to get Ben and Gwens attention. While I was still in the rustbucket just cleaning some dishes.

"okay.. how about we tell scary stories?" he continued.

"scarier than having to spend your summer with your freak of a cousin? hah" Ben responded

"id like to Grandpa but im busy doing a search on cures for extreme dufusness, nothing yet Ben but lets not give up hope!" Gwen responds back

"ill find some wood so that we can roast the marsmellows." I said walking out of the rustbucket to find some wood. keeping myself busy would surely lead to the days going quicker atleast...

"thats the spirit!" max responded.

"I will take a walk" Ben said, walking out of the campsite

The three of us was sitting around the campfire roasting marsmellows. Max looked towards the woods "Ben has been gone a while.." "maybe he ended up bear food..I can dream can't I?" Gwen said with a smirk on ther face.

"Uhm, why is it coming smoke from over there" I say pointing towards a huge cloud of dark smoke. "looks like the start of a forrest fire, probably some darn fool out there messing with something he shoudn't.. BEN!" max says picking up a firing extinguisher. he also gives me one and we run to the direction of the smoke..

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