Flying high

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Tails was in his room thinking about Amagi's powers, during the Aurora.

Tails:" I wonder how she did that? I wonder what else Chaos regeneration unintentionally did?

He rested back thinking about how she had tails like he did and how she flew down when they first met.

Tails:" Well, it seems like she can fly but, extent I do not know."

Tails thought about an idea and then got up from his seat.

He opened the door going outside seeing that Cosmo and Amagi where looking at something.

Tails walked over to them to see what they were looking at.

Tails:" What are you guys doing?"

Cosmo turned over to Tails.

Cosmo:" Tails! come look at this "

Tails walked over to see a group of turtles near the pond. There were three light green turtles in the grass bothering no one slowly moving around.

Amagi's eyes were sparking due  to her seeing  the Turtles for the first time .They were just basking in the sun to warm themselves.

Amagi poked one that was closest to her which made it move.

Cosmo grinned at the sight of Amagi.

Cosmo:" She really is interested in the turtles"

Tails:" She was just born , so she is very curious about the world. Amagi is going to be engrossed by everything she sees."

Tails turned to Cosmo.

Tails:"Oh,Yeah I wanted to see if Amagi wanted to do some flying "

Cosmo put her finger on her chin and thought.

Cosmo:" She may be able to fly, but, she could use more experience.Also , this could be good for her to bond with us "

Cosmo nodded

Cosmo:" I'm okay with it, enjoy yourself with our daughter. "

Tails walked over to Amagi and kneel down to her.

Tails:" Hi, Amagi ,do you want to fly with me. Do this if you want to say yes or this to say no"

Tails shook his head up and down for yes. Then he shook his head side to side for no.Since, Amagi is not available to talk,Tails and Cosmo are teaching her using visual motions.While their also in beginning process of teaching her to talk.

Amagi figured it out quickly and shook her head up and down rapidly excited to go.

Tails:" Alright, We will be out for a bit Cosmo"

Cosmo smiled and clasped her hands together.

Cosmo:"OK, do not get into trouble"

Cosmo knelt down to Amagi and put her hand on her shoulder.

Cosmo:" Take your time and pay attention to what your dad does."

Sonic X Season 4 : Invisible RaceWhere stories live. Discover now