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Billy in a hat:

Billy in a hat:

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It was the day after you'd seen Ennoshita and the girls asked if you'd wanted to go to the mall with them. Since you had nothing else to do you agreed, and besides — you had a few things you wanted to share with the group.

While you got ready, Teddy lay on your bed, sleeping into the afternoon. He had been sleeping an awful lot lately — to the point where it was worrisome, but you couldn't take him to the vet until next weekend so all you could do for now was wait.

Once ready, you stepped out of your room to tell your mother where you were going. She was sitting in the lounge watching TV.

She didn't acknowledge your presence which most people didn't so you just told her you'd be out with some friends.

Your mother didn't reply. This didn't come as a surprise, it was a rarity if she ever did speak to you. She kept on staring at the TV and so you left without another word.


"Y/N!" Yukie had spotted you and there was no getting away from her. She squished you with her hug and probably would have popped you like a balloon if Kaori hadn't pulled her off you.

"You're gonna kill the girl!" Kaori told her.
Yukie gasped, "I would never kill my child!" She held her hand to her chest in an offended manner. Kaori rolled her at Yukie eyes and then looked over at you with a smile.

"I'm happy you could come," she said and hugged you nicely. "The others aren't here yet so why don't we go wait over there?"
Kaori pointed to a seating area that you and Yukie followed her to.

As you all waited for Kiyoko and Yachi to arrive, Yukie decided to try and hit on this one guy which was quite entertaining for you and Kaori.

In the end, he seemed to be scared away when Yukie started swearing at Kaori in 17 different languages because she'd been making fun of her.


When Kiyoko and Yachi arrived, you all first went to a few stores where Kaori bought a purse and Kiyoko bought a couple of skirts.

As you went around these stores, you wondered when the best time was to tell the girls about the other day. Eventually, you decided that the best time would be when you were all seated for some food.

After a few more stores and Yukie's attempts at making you buy something she thought looked nice on you, you all went to the food court.

They were all eating, exchanging conversation when you just abruptly mentioned what was on your mind.

"I think I may tell Ennoshita how I feel about him, but I don't know how."
The table went silent.

"Start. From. The. Beginning," said Yukie.
"Well, we went to see a documentary the other day which was quite interesting. We learnt that—,"

"Ok Baby, don't want to interrupt and we will be happy to hear about the documentary later, but right now we're talking about Ennoshita," said Kaori.

"Right," you said, "I apologise."
"Don't apologise, but remember not to leave any details out," Kiyoko told you.
"Ok," you said. "Well as I already said, we went to see a documentary. Afterwards, Ennoshita asked if I'd spend the day with him. He said he wanted to spend more time with me."

Yukie squealed at this. "Ugh, he's in love."
"He sooooo is," Kaori chimed in.
"He does mention Y/n a lot," Yachi mentioned.
"HUH?!" Yukie yelled. "We need to hear about this!"
"Let Y/n finish her story first," said Kiyoko.
Yukie sighed, "Ok, farts. I'm gonna shit myself."

You carried on, telling the girls about the entire day and what you'd said to one another, making sure you didn't leave anything out.

Yukie sniffled. "Ugh you guys are so cute."
Yachi sobbed. "They make me beleive in love!"
Kiyoko patted Yachi on the back and handed her a tissue that Yachi blew her nose into and cried.

"Listen I never want to give anyone false hope but I'm like — confident that boy is head over heels for you," said Kaori.

Kiyoko nodded her head. "I agree."
Hearing this from the girls made you feel better about the situation since even after all of that, you still questioned how he felt.

"Now," said Yukie and slammed her hands on to the table. "Tell us about what you said before."
Kiyoko gave a small snigger. "He mentions Y/n quite often—,"
"Like all the time," said Yachi in a high pitch voice due to her cries.

"Yes." Kiyoko smiled. "He often asks us if we've seen you at all lately and how you are, what you've been up to. He mentions you in conversations that don't regard you and seems to light up at the mention of you. You're most definitely someone special to him."

Yukie screamed and then received a slap on the arm from Kaori.
"Lower your voice!" She wheezed.
Yukie covered her mouth as she laughed, tears forming in her eyes. "Sorry," she heaved.

Hearing all this was a little overwhelming — you almost wanted to cry. It didn't even matter to you if he didn't feel the same, your heart was still for him, but the fact he did caused you to feel the worst and greatest things to ever exist all at once. He was everything.

To be continued...



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