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Billy being silly:

Billy being silly:

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After everybody had eaten breakfast, the second day of filming began. Luckily, nothing went wrong and it all went quite smoothly.

Except for the part where Yukie refused to let Bokuto or Kuroo touch her hair and ran away, ultimately knocking over a few others.

But besides that, it was chill. In fact, a lot of the takes were done in a few or more goes.

But then night came.


Around the campfire, you all talked and were having a good time smoking s'mores.

Although, you did have to stop Lev from burning mouth when he tried eating a marshmallow that had literally just been roasting.

"Lev, you'll burn yourself."
"But I wanna eat it," he whined.
Yeah, he wasn't the smartest tool in the shed.

You told him to be careful and he went back to what he was doing while you pulled out the rock that Ennoshita had given you earlier.

There was something you wanted to ask the girls but you couldn't think of a good time.

If you did have a good time then, you definitely didn't after encountering this strange thing.

In the bushes behind you, you heard a slight rustling. Out of curiosity, you turned around to see the bushes moving around crazily.

Kuroo asked what you were doing and his eyes grew wide when you pointed to the bushes.

Soon, everyone was silent.
"Y/n...get away from the bushes." Kuroo told you.
"Why?" You asked.

It was now when people began to realise why you got into such bad situations.

Yamamoto decided to forcefully pull you back only to use you as a shield.
(He totally would guys)

"Don't use Y/n like a shield!" Yaku yelled.
"Maybe they'll think she's one of them!" Said Lev.
"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Yaku glared at Lev but before he could do anything else, the rustling stopped.

Everybody looked down and slithering out of the ground was a thick blackness.

It grew into the form of something ginormous, at least 10 feet. It looked like it's body was made up of thick ash and it was contorted in some ways.

The being seemed to have no eyes at first but once two fire balls appeared in what you all thought was it's face, there were some...reactions.

For one, Yachi passed out. Yukie and Bokuto were holding on to each other for dear life while sobbing. Kenma threw up out of his anxiety.

Noya wetted himself along with Shoyo who also threw up the poor guy. Tanaka was shaking in front of Kiyoko holding a sharp stick.

Overall, the situation wasn't great. Most people had some sort of reaction, except for you of course. After all, you've probably experienced weirder.

All you did was stare at the thing wondering what it could possibly be and how it was conjured.

The thing crept closer and yet you stood unwavering. It looked down on, only now breathing heavily.

You wondering where it was breathing from. You wanted to ask it questions.

From your pocket, you grabbed a mini notebook and a pen.
"Do you mind answering a few questions?" You asked.

Everybody paled.
"Y/n! Why are you engaging with it?!" Kaori asked.
"This isn't an interview!" Said Yaku.

The being seemed taken aback, blinking it's fiery eyes letting some ash fall in front of your feet.

"I'll take that as a yes," you said clicking your pen. "First question. What would I call you?"

In their minds, everybody was facepalming and/or crying. Ennoshita however, decided this was the perfect moment to capture some footage.

"It can be like a documentary," he said standing a little further away from you.
"Oh god," Lev whimpered. "He's crazy too."

Patiently, you waited for the being to answer as everyone else did the same.

"Could you ask if it poops?" Kags asked.
"Why do you wanna know that?" Tsukishima asked him.
"You're not curious?"
"About whatever the fuck is happening? No, I want to go to bed."

To be continued...

Sorry this is so short 😭😭

𝑵𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒓 ★Where stories live. Discover now