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Billy picked up a new hobby:

Billy picked up a new hobby:

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Once the documentary was over, Ennoshita would be lying if he said he was happy it had finally ended. When he was with you, everything in the world felt settled and he wasn't yet ready to go back home and pretend it was another regular day.

As you were walking out of a the cinema, you rambled on about the new facts and things you had learned thanks to the documentry. Ennoshita usually liked when you went on like this, but there was something he badly wanted to ask you. He didn't want this day to be over with you quite yet.

At the sound of your name, you looked at where the sound had left Ennoshita's lips. Immediately, you felt apoligetic and looked down toward your feet.

"I'm sorry," you said, "I got carried away."
"What? No, that's not it. I want to spend more time with you. If that's okay with you...unless you'd like the day to end here." There was a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No," you agreed with a soft smile, "I'd like to spend more time with you."
This brought a new expression to Ennoshita's face. Each time he made this expression, it almost killed you. It was as if every piece of artwork you'd ever admired had fused into one piece. He truly was something extraordinary.
"Alright," he said, "Follow me, I have something I want to show you."


The place Ennoshita led you to was only a ten minute walk from the cinema. It was a studio, a large studio. Ennoshita explained it was often where he worked on his photopgraphy and that the teacher there was fantastic, the best he'd ever seen.

From the enthusism in his voice alone, you could tell Ennoshita was passionate about the topic. He cared grately for his work and you could see this clearly in the things he dragged you around to look at, the way he explained how things worked.

At one point when he was in the middle of setting up a scene, he looked over at you. It looked like something in his head was starting to make sense.

"Wanna be my model?" He asked. The question sent a jolt through you and your first response would have been a no if Ennoshita wasn't the one asking. Instead of being nervous, you felt calm around him.

He was as gentle as the colour beige. His passion was a deep forest green. His words flowed like the blue of a still ocean. He made you feel like a bright orange or a vibrant pink. No one had ever given you such a vibrance before.

"Ok," you said flatly and walked closer in front of him and stood stiffly. "What do I do?"
Ennoshita gave a light laugh but you didn't feel embarrassed. In Ennoshita, you put your trust.

"Here," he said and carefully pulled a stool for you to sit on. He gave you a flowrer and placed it carefully in the perfect spot. He lifted his camera and quickly the feeling of comfrot left. Ennoshita had seen you tense up and lowered his camera. "I won't show it to anyone. If you wanna pull out that's fine, okay?"

For a moment you stayed quiet, looking away before looking back and staring Ennoshita in his eye.
"Do you...think I can do it?"
Ennoshita smiled. "Yeah," he said.
"Ok," you said, and there was a understanding. Usually, you were the one creating the art but now you were someone esle's muse. It was strange and it was an incredibly vulnerable state to be in but because it was Ennoshita, you felt brave for possibly one of the first moments in your life.

When he took the shoot, it took everyting in you not to flinch. Ennoshita looked at his cameras screen and you felt a little self concious.
"You look perfect, almost like a painting," he remarked. To Ennoshita, saying this hadn't been a big deal but to you, well it almost made you burst into tears. "Wanna see?" Ennoshita spoke softly and carefully, awaiting your answer.
You replied with a nod and Ennoshita pulled out another stool to sit next to you and let you see the shot. At the sight, your breath caught in your throat.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" He said. "I think I'll make it black and white though, I think it might give the picture more dramatics."
You shot yor head up. "It can look even better?"
Ennoshita laughed at the glint in your eyes. "I guess?"

"It's like magic," you said, looking back down at the striking picture of you.
"It sorta is," Ennoshita agreed looking with you.
While he remained staring at the picture and playing around with a few of the functions, you stared at the side of his face.
"Do you like photographing me?"
The queston was so blunt that it made Ennoshita's face erupt into a scarlet red.

"I do, you're interesting. And very beautiful," he whispered looking away.
"I could say the same about you."
"Me?" Ennoshita gave a half-hearted laugh as if you were joking.
When you nodded, Ennoshtia realised you were far from joking. Your gaze was pretty intense and Ennoshita found himself having to look away.
"Let me show you."

He didn't know what you meant, but Ennoshita let you reach into your bag and pull out your sketchbook you brought with you everywhere. He watched as you flipped to a page and quickly Ennoshita's eyes flickered to a sketch of him. You brought the book closer to him and Ennoshita looked toward you for persmission to take it which you gave.

Handing something over that belonged to you was something you didn't do for just everyne and when you realsied this, you realised that you didn't feel the same for Ennoshtia like you did for Kuroo or for Kaori or for Bokuto or anyone else.

The way you felt for Ennoshita was far from the passionate love Yukie had described or the nerve-racking crushes Yachi had depcited. It was instead a deep understadning and the longing to know him more as a person, to be in love with the things he loved.

"Is this really how I look?" He asked, still flipping through the pages.
"It's how I see you," you explaned.
Ennoshita nodded in undertsanding. Suddenly he was aware of close to two of you were. The rising and falling of your chest — your smell, like a strawberry field that had just been rained on.

Everything about you drove Ennoshita slightly insane and the thought of never being able to capture everything he found beautiful about you pained him, but he wanted to try and he hoped you would agree in helping him.
"Can I take a few more shots?" He asked. His tone sounded nervous, but he hadn't need to be.
"Yes," you said.

To be continued...

the artists in love

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